I'd take the blame for you.

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"WHAT? YOU CAN'T ASK FOR THAT BACK IT'S-" Ghostbur has ever been this angry, his once blue cheeks now flush a deep purple.

"HIS MOST PRIZED POSSESSION? OH, WOE IS ME." Dream does some sort of dramatic wave of his arm over his forehead.

The arguing is blaring in the back of Tommy's mind. It's stressful asking himself questions he can't answer; not knowing who to believe other than himself and what he remembers. The golden - and slowly rusting - glasses that Ghostbur wears are slightly falling off of his face as he watches Dream angrily waft his hands around as he tries to prove a point. Tubbo's backed off from everyone and is staring blankly at Friend, who seems to understand what he's feeling.

Tommy empathizes for a second before getting dragged back to reality and greeted with a loud, "TOMMY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?"

He looked over at Dream. "Hm?"

"Please. You agree it wasn't me that blew it up right?"

"Well, that's what I reme-" before he could finish, Dream shrieks back at Ghostbur.

"SEE?!" He interrupts.

The arguing continues. Ghostbur is yelling about being manipulative, taking advantage of Tommy's memory; Dream is screaming back at him with his stupid laugh whenever he doesn't agree with something. Tubbo appears to smile at a bee that had caught his eye. Tommy smiles. No, he's the bad guy he remembers. He slowly drags his attention over to the arguing again. He closes his eyes and listens to the conversation.

"NO! NO YOU'RE BEING SO FUCKING-" Ghostbur argues.

"No. No!! Shut your mouth Ghostbur, you're as fucking dead as Tommy is." Ghostbur steps back. Perhaps a bit far. The yelling is hurting the younger blonde's head, he looks up at the clouds that are forming weird and magical shapes in the sky, still listening. Dream continues, "LISTEN. For all you know I could've told you that you pushed Tommy into lava and you'd believe it."

"B-But I know I wouldn't do that, I'm his friend! I'm not like Alivebur!" Ghostbur replies before instantly being talked back to again.

"With all of this shouting, you could be just as bad as before." Tommy can't listen to it anymore. He closes his eyes again, zoning out. What did he do to deserve to die? He thinks again. And again. And again. Time ticks by.

"I feel dizzy can we stop now please." Nobody hears him, "STOP PLEASE JUST STOP." Dead silence. It starts raining. A breathless 'ouch' escapes Ghostbur's lungs and he runs for shelter in his little cabin. The rain falls heavier and they follow Ghostbur to the house, everyone except Tommy.

Tubbo, Dream, Ghostbur, and Friend step inside the house while Tommy stands under a tree instead. "Tommy?" Another familiar voice, it's Phil, "Did you not make it?" He wants to answer, does it look like it?  But he doesn't say it to his face. Phil's wings look a lot bigger than before. Enormous, shiny black feathers wrap around his wings. His blonde hair is up in a low, messy bun, which is covered by a stripy green and white bucket hat. On one of the man's ears, hung a glimmering emerald strung on a golden chain; also hung from a piercing just above that. The robes he wore were also green, and a belt strapped around his waist was tied in a knot. 

"Guess not." He answers back.

"What's happening between those three?" A quizzical look pulls at his face.

"Too much, I had to step out," His voice is trembling again, "who actually blew up my home Phil. I don't know who to trust anymore." 

"It got blown up? Oh Tommy I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it." He embraces Tommy like he was his child, and he smiles softly.

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