Wrapped around his finger.

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Tubbo watches Tommy and Dream hold each other for a few seconds and he looks away, noticing a ghast creeping up on them. Tommy starts to feel uncomfortable, therefore stepping back from Dream's grasp.

"Let's go back to your tent, Tommy." Dream says.

"I thought it was exploded, we didn't clear that up," Tommy replies knowingly. Dissatisfaction was visible on Tubbo's face upon killing the ghast which sadly didn't drop a tear. Could've been helpful with brewing. He looks back at Tommy who is talking with his new best friend.

"Oh I forgot about that, we can make a new tent then."

"How much wool do we have?"

"Dunno, there's a wool farm back at L'manburg." Is he TRYING to torment me? He knows I'm not allowed there, "oh," Dream hesitates to continue, looking at Tommy's face, "but it's okay, we can make a wool farm back at logsdeshire, your home."

L'manburg is home. There's no other home to go to. Only exile

Another ghast arrives and shortly after a piglin, Dream slays them both with a heavily enchanted Netherite sword. Tommy watches, jealous of the armour Dream had put his hard work into, just like Tommy.

"Let's go, we need wool if we're making me a new tent." They only need a few bits anyway. They make their way to the magic particles coming from the portal. They stepped in, taking them back to exile. Tommy looks around for any lurking sheep around, a herd awaited their final moments.

They eventually got the wool they needed and plenty of food. The sun had started rising, and Tommy sat on the bench. Tubbo sat on his left, Dream on his right. They watch the sunrise in colours of orange, red, yellow and eventually blue.

"Let's build the tent," Tubbo exclaims. Tommy nods and Dream immediately gets up.

"I think I have to go actually, got some things to discuss with Technoblade." Tommy sighs as Dream straightens his blood-stained mask over his torn face and fixes his hood over his messy blonde hair. "I'll see you soon I promise, Tubbo watch him for me." Tubbo stares at him sadly. He nods.

"Okay," He sounds upset but says nothing more.

"Oh before I go, Tommy the compass?"  Dream looks at Tommy and thrusts his sword in his face.

Terror drowns him and it's unbelievably visible.

"The- the compass? But that's the only important thing I own! You said I could keep it!" He shrieks.

"I'll give it back I promise, but Tubbo lives somewhere else now so I'll need to move the loadstone to make the compass point somewhere else." He gives a deadly stare to Tubbo that seeps through the mask, Tubbo keeps his mouth shut even though he knows what Dream says is wrong.

"Do you promise to give it back?" Dream nods as if he's planning something but nobody notices.

"Okay." Tommy takes the compass from around his neck and passes it towards Dream hesitantly.

Tubbo's holding back a waterfall and immediately reaches for the compass which is already in Dream's possession. He regrets it but says nothing, he senses Dream is about to do something he cants take back.

In one blink,

 the compass is on the floor,

next to two blocks of TNT,

Dream takes out his gleaming flint'n'steel,

and lights them. Both of them.

"WAIT, NO, YOU-" Tommy's words tumble off his tongue before he starts screaming and yelling. He's shaking as the TNT blows the compass up before his eyes. It's gone. If he didn't know who to trust before, he did now.

Tommy falls to the ground, sobbing and screaming. Mumbling made-up words that don't form sentences; words like, no, compass, everything, fuck, etc.

In the blink of an eye, his world is gone.

The compass is gone.

His forgotten memories of Tubbo, are gone.

It's all gone.


"You promised to give it back," Tommy mumbles under his breath, staring blankly at the crater only a bit bigger than a creeper hole.

"Tommy, listen," Dream says, staring at Tubbo who is failing to hold back tears. "I'll make you a new one."

"It would never mean the same as what that compass was," He pauses for a brief moment, "I may not know Tubbo, or even anyone anymore, but I know that meant the world to me."

Tubbo looks at Tommy with glassy eyes. Tommy stares at the floor, and then at Dream.

"I'll be on my way, I'll get you a new compass Tommy. A better one." He walks off, proudly and hides his smile behind a broken, blood-stained mask.

Tommy is speechless, as is Tubbo.

"I'm so sorry Tommy. I couldn't stop him."

"I just stood there, crying. I'm not a crier I promise, but something about that, killed me internally."

"It's not your fault Tommy, I did the same." Tubbo knelt down beside Tommy and laid a hand gently on his slumped shoulders. His head hung down to his collarbone and started at the empty space on his chest.

Nobody spoke for a while.

"How about we build up that tent aye? It'll give us bonding time! We haven't had that in I don't know how long." Tears fell off of Tommy's cheek onto the dull, yellow-ish grass that lay beneath him. Words can't describe how angry and upset he is.

"Okay, Tubbo." Tubbo stands up and holds out a hand for Tommy, who takes it and stands up. "Let's go and rebuild Tnret." He remembers building it with Ghostbur on the first day in exile and he laughed when Ghostbur spelt tent wrong, so they kept it there in a happy memory.

"We can keep the Tnret sign don't worry," Tubbo reassures him.

"Can we let Ghostbur do it? It wouldn't be the same if he didn't." He looks hopeful. "Where did Ghostbur even go?"

"Of course, if I start building you can find Ghostbur."

Tommy's face drops once again, "What if he's in L'manburg?" Tubbo tries to figure out a solution, but the only thing he can think of is changing positions.

"Alright then, you start rebuilding and I'll go find Ghostbur." He finalised. And so he does. Tommy immediately starts building, ready for Ghostbur to arrive. Tubbo runs off and through the nether portal, sprinting over countless one-block wide bridges and being risky, trying to find the fastest route to L'manburg. By the time Tubbo and Ghostbur arrive back at Logsdeshire, Tommy has finished building and was busy caught up in crafting an oak sign to hand over to Ghostbur.

He shrieks as he turns around to find the two, staring at him quietly. They burst into loud laughter from the shock as Ghostbur writes the sign.

"TNRET IS BACK BOYSSSS!" Tubbo yells and they continue laughing. Tommy smiles. It's been a while since they got together, that's what Tommy remembers anyway. They giggle for a while and torment each other with funny memes placed on maps a while ago. Dream arrives back through the portal and nobody notices until he taps Tommy on the shoulder.

Tommy screams and then laughs harder, and the other laughs along.

"You fucking scared me!" He continues giggling and so do the others.

"Tommy!" Startled, Tommy turns around and his attention is immediately put on the compass Dream is holding.

"Huh?" He looks a little confused. Dream hands Tommy the compass, and Tubbo waits for a response or a look.

Tommy stumbles back, "Dream?" He looks up at the dirty blonde. He looks back at him, grinning wildly.

The compass name... it's different, and pointing in a different direction than Tubbo's house.

"Your Dream."



I absolutely LOVE writing plot twists like that like woahhhh, anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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