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He remembered something. The nether, staring blankly at the lava, thinking there was no hope for him. Sitting on the netherack that hung on by a thread of the cliffs, screaming and crying. Just wanting to go home. I just want to go home. He remembers. Tommy shuts his eyes. Tubbo put him in this position. A thought came to mind.

"Hey Dream?"

"Hm?" The dirty blonde looks back at him, interested.

"If Ghostbur can only remember happy things and not the sad things," he pauses before continuing, "then why do I remember all of the bad things?" he stands up, "I can remember screaming, and crying for hours."

Dream seems taken back, had he not mentioned it? Suppose he should've, he can trust Dream. "I'm not sure Tommy, what was up? What happened?" He doesn't appear to sound worried, it goes unnoticed.

"Nobody visited me but you, right? I wasn't in the best frame of mind."

"Yeah, only I visited. Nobody wanted really you." his voice is cold, unremorseful. Tommy stares at the floor blankly. Nobody wanted him? Me??? I'm like...the best in the world, like ever, how can nobody want me? But even joking about it doesn't cheer him up.

"Ghostbur visited, didn't he? I can remember that!" Tommy looks at Dream with a faint smile.

"No, Tommy, he came with you to exile and then he abandoned you." Harsh.

What is this feeling?

Tommy chuckles. And then he screams. As loud as he can. He falls to his knees and starts sobbing. He can't stop. What is happening to him? Why can't he stop crying? He screams again and lowers his head to face the ground. It hurts.

The fire still burns.

Dream is standing there, staring at him with simply a blank face. He puts his empathy act on.

"Tommy.." He says. Dream walks over to Tommy and kneels beside him, hugging him softly, "It's going to be okay, I'll take care of you I promise."

I promise. Tommy smiles. He knew he could trust Dream. The sun sets behind him and he turns around to face it and stands up.

"Hey Dream? Do we have wood? I want to make another bench to sit on." He remembers sitting on a bench with somebody before he was put in exile, but he can't remember who with.

He makes a bench and sits on it. Shortly after, Dream joins him. The sunset is beautiful.

"Thank you Dream." The silence is broken, and the stars begin to brighten.

"For what, Tommy?" Tommy looks softly at Dream and smiles properly for what felt like the first time.

"Visiting and being my friend."

"Oh, no problem." Dream grins.

He has Tommy wrapped around his finger once again. Even as a ghost.

Silly child.


After watching the sunset, they headed back to the exile area to start cleaning; though Dream didn't help, he just claimed that he had a headache and went to go lie down somewhere. Later that night he had fallen asleep. Tommy stands and looks around at his surroundings. A dim figure stood before him, startling him.

"Tubbo?" Tommy asks, afraid.

"Hello, Tommy." Tubbo's voice is sad, but he's smiling.

"Why are you here." Tommy says harshly, though secretly happy he wasn't about to be kidnapped by a stranger; but to be honest what's really the worst that could happen?

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