#2 New friend

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Moo's P.O.V.

This Brian guy turned out to be a nice person. Of course he swears a lot, especially when angry and he does a lot of pranks on others as well. It still doesn't mean he's not nice. We started playing together often and hanging out more. What we usually talked about were funny facts from movies and differences in our languages as for example different names for food. He's so funny and always knows how to make me laugh, even after he pranks me and I get upset. Is there anything I could not like in him? I don't know yet.

"Popcorn's ready!" Tyler yelled as he joined us in his living room. Mini and Brian were warming up in Super Smash Bros and arguing like crazy, letting their accents cloud my understanding. Mini might be small, looks all cute and innocent, but this kitty's got claws and knows how to fight with words. Anthony took a handful of popcorn and sat on couch with us, watching our European friends sit on floor and yell all kinds of insults at each other - some which I have never heard before. Damn they need to chill... I looked around the room and when my eyes landed on WILDCAT's face, I couldn't believe it, but he was smiling kindly... and blushing! I followed his sight and noticed how he trailed Mini's every movement, every face expression, how she started gesturing with her arms. So he does care afterall~ I only wonder how long these two will keep up this 'cat and mouse' game until the truth will be told.

Brian finnaly gave up and asked in rage, if we're going to play or not, so others grabbed controllers and started the game. I was just sitting and cheering for them, we were eventually taking turns about who won't play in next round. After two hours we took a break and guys ordered pizza. I went to kitchen for drink and Mini joined me.

"Huff! That was crazy! And you seem pretty happy even after all those couple lost rounds."

"Why should I be angry? We're all having fun and that's what matters."

Mini observed me for a moment and looked towards living room. "Brian seems nice. He got settled here and already recorded with us, he's cool right?"

"Yeah, he is quite nice."

"...And he's quite handsome, I wonder how he looks without his shirt~"

I looked at Mini shocked and my cheeks blushed when she said that, but I stayed quiet for moment to think twice. "Well... he's not ugly... and that's good for him, but... I don't know. Do you really think he looks like 'Sexy men calendar' model? Pff... please." I only hoped Mini didn't noticed the red on my face, so I decided to throw her off this track.

"So how is it going with you and Tyler? Any progress on him getting your hints?" I saw Mini jump a little, but then she sighed. Oh... I hate to see my friends upset...

"No... sadly not. Man, this guy is either blind or hollow like tree trunk!"
Wow, that was fast change of mood.

"So... are you gonna do something about it? Maybe you should just talk with him. You guys have known each other for so long, I'm sure he will understand. Maybe he will even want to give it a chance."

"Oh please, we're talking about Tyler here - this guys might be a dog for ladies, but we both know I'm not his type..."

I'm sorry... WHAT?

"Not his type? You two have been friends for years, you both love games, fast cars, dogs, same music, you even have similar taste for food. Trust me Carly, no matter what he says - I'm sure he likes you back."

"...Huff... thanks Brook, I needed that."

"No problem~ You know you can always count on me."

We heard guys start some 1v1 game, so we decided to join them and cheer on before we could play.
Later on Anthony said he needs to go to bathroom, Tyler that he needs some fresh air, so he went to back yard and Mini joined him. It was just me and Brian, sitting quietly in living room.

We both were focused on our phones, but the silence was slowly getting awkward. I kept peeking on Brian. Man, he actually does look good, he's even almost as muscular as Evan... and those blue eyes~ there is just something in them, that hypnotizes me... Woah, woah, woah - slow your horses Brook, what am I thinking? Chill, you just met him about two weeks ago. Don't rush yourself...
I put my phone down and grabbed my ankles, while sitting with crossed legs.

"Soo... have you heard there's been new gun added to CoD? I haven't played with it yet, but I heard some opinions on it." Brian looked up at me a bit surprised, that I broke the silence.

"Oh, no I haven't, but tanks I will try that soon." Hmhmhm, Evan did mentioned about how Brian says 'thanks' like 'tanks' and it is quite funny little detail. Since I lost any other ideas that would continue our talk, I gave up and reached for my phone with defeated huff.

"Hey, I read on Facebook about some new pizza place, maybe we could check it our soon?"

"Oh- really you want us to go there?"

"I mean, don't get me wrong, but I'm not asking you out on a date. Really, I don't want you to think that I'm trying to hit on you and shit. I mean, you're really cool and maybe one day I could try to ask you out..." he took a deep breath. "But you can take Evan with you aaaand... idk, someone else, but not Nogla - I don't want show myself in public with him." His irritation and embarrassment about Nogla are so funny to me for some reason. I giggled and Brian smiled seeing he made me laugh.

"So what do you think?"

"Sounds good to me, I will ask Evan, if he's got time - he LOVES pizza."

"Cool, I'll ask others then."

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