#5 Let's find a way out

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...When everything went silent Delirious opened her eyes and reached out for her flashlight, but also felt something warm and soft on her back. Vanoss was in dust and looked like he was asleep. She panicked and started gently slapping his cheek and telling him to wake up. He groaned and slowly turned on his side "...You're alright?..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? IT DOESN'T MATTER IF I'M ALRIGHT, BUT YOU. I mean YES I'm good, but look at you!"

"Hehehe... freaking out as always... relax, ugh. Let's see if there's another way out." Vanoss casually got up and dusted himself off.

Delirious was still kneeling on ground confused, but when Vanoss asked if she's staying here she rushed to his side and gripped his arm like scared child.


Mini slowly got up and was wiping her glasses clean when Tyler's struggle was like a lion's roar. Mini aimed her light at him and rushed to help him. "Tyler wait! don't move, you might be hurt."

"Ugh- I'm fine!... it's just the damn rock! Got my leg stuck."

"Alright, at least let me move it, so you can crawl out. Ready, one, two, tHREE!" Mini lifted the rock slightly, but enough for WILDCAT to roll away. When he tried to stand, a sharp pain ran thro his left thigh and forced him back on the ground. "It's no good if it's broken and you will try to walk."

"Well then what else you want me to do!? You want to carry me - I don't think you can." Tyler growled back with gritted teeth.

"Well at least you won't stay here, if you will lean on me, asshole!..."

That shut him up. After Mini helped him up and were slowly walking down the tunnel, Tyler didn't say anything more. She wasn't mad, she already got used to Tyler being a jerk and blaming others for everything, but this time it was pain and this whole shitty situations - so yeah he's allowed to be an asshole for a bit.


Marcel and Lui were coughing after the rocks stopped moving. "What was that!? Why did the ceiling suddenly fell on our heads?"

"I don't know. Are you ok? Where's Nogla?" To Marcel's question Lui quickly got up and ran for flashlight, when he saw Nogla partly under rubble. Together with Marcel they carefully turned him around. While Lui was panicking and talking to Nogla, Marcel was checking his wounds - few tiny cuts and some scratches, but then his hand felt blood at the back of his head. "...Lui go check the tunnel."

"What? And what about David?"

"I'll stay with him, but you're panic won't help us. Please, go and see if there is any way out. Mines always have more than one entrance."

Lui had panick in his eyes, but Marcel's decided face calmed his breathing. He slowly got up and went to see where the tunnel leads. When the light disappeared Marcel used his phone to see the wound better and suddenly felt sick when fingers shined with crimson light. After holding back feeling of sickness Marcel held the wound again. Purple light brighten up the cold stone space and turned blue. The began to shrink and blood came back under skin. When the light faded away David slowly opened his eyes and tried to say something, but Marcel explained what happened and helped him sit up. After few minutes Lui came back and said that the tunnel does go slightly upwards. When he saw David awake, Lui ran up to him and started crying into his neck, happy his boyfriend is alright. Marcel smiled at his friends and got up, waiting for them to move and try to get out off there.


Delirious and Vanoss were going up the little stream in hope to find a way out. They tried to keep each other distracted by telling jokes and recalling funny situations, Deli's hands still holding Vanoss' arm. "Or that time I was sick during GTA session and you tried to cheer me up?"

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