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when jaebeom tells mark the other stores and stuff by the bookstore he saw, he knows where it is and knows it's close enough for them to just walk. mark would usually skateboard everywhere but he can't really just leave jaebeom behind to walk on his own.

mark sits down on a couch while jaebeom immediately goes to the korean section, which was the main reason that jaebeom wanted to go when he saw it in the first place. he likes to read on korean, he's fluent in it and would much rather read something in korean if it's the original language it was written in.

"mark!" jaebeom turns to look over his shoulder as he lightly shouts to mark get him to walk over to where he is.

mark starts to stand but pauses when he looks at jaebeom. he realizes how fucking cute jaebeom is. he could acknowledge that he was attractive before but it's different now.

he gets up and walks around to where jaebeom is, asking what jaebeom needs him for.

"i don't read korean."

"i know." jaebeom hits mark's arm before telling him why he called him over. "there's this book i read when i was younger and the main character reminds me of you."

jaebeom hands the book to mark who can't do much more than look at the front cover because he can't even read hangul (jaebeom told him that's what written korean is called) to know what it's called.

jaebeom explains the book and even if mark knows he'll never read it because it's not popular enough to be translated into english, he's feels special that jaebeom would even be reminded of him. it makes him realize how much they actually talk and hang out, given that they're with each other all the time.

mark sits back down while jaebeom keeps looking for a book because he isn't much help in the korean book section. or in any section really, he doesn't know the last time he even read a book.

jaebeom buys a few books; some in english and others in korean, and then sits down next to mark. "thank you for coming with me."

"mark, your friend called earlier and asked me to tell you to call him back when you're home," mark's roommate tells him when he and jaebeom get back to the house.

mark nods and jaebeom goes up to their room. he's still really shy around the other guys who live there so he usually doesn't spent much time in the shared rooms when they're also out there.

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