Chapter 2

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Grouchy woke up.

All was dark. He got up, and said in a frustrating voice,

"Who turned out the lights?"

Then he turned on his candle, and saw himself looking flat (like 2D animation in the pic)! Just then, there was a breaking noise inside the fireplace. Grouchy slightly got up from his chair.

"What's up there?" he said, in a bit shakey voice. Then he started to stammer.

"Uh, I got a blue belt... in-in Smurf-fu, and um, I'm not afraid to use it!"

Then he swung his fist into the fireplace, yelling,


Suddenly, a great energy pulled out Grouchy, which he rolled all the way off to the wall. The dust fell all over his face and all the room.

"You really should sweep that thing once in a while," said the voice, coughing. When Grouchy saw, it was Smurfette - but she was not the Smurfette. She had blue wings, a hat with holly on top, and had a blue dress, with a blue wand in her hand. She glowed with blue sprinkles.

"Smurfette?" Grouchy asked.

"I am the Smurf of Christmas Past," said the Spirit.

"Don't you see my Smurfy wings?" the Spirit asked, laughing nervously. Then, she found the dust on her dress.

"Oh my!"

Then she turned her wand into her own handy brush.

"I shouldn't have that second glass of Smurfberry nog," said Grouchy, to himself. He was very regret of drinking the nog.

"Oh, go away! You're just the figment of my indigestion!"

He said, waving his hand towards the Spirit, and rubbing his stomach.

"No!" the Spirit said, flying towards Grouchy and brushing away the dust,

"I am one of three spirits that's going to visit you tonight."

After brushing the dusts, she grabbed Grouchy's face and looked at him.

"It seems that you lost the true meaning of Christmas. So our job is to help you find it!"

"Oh! I think I'll pass!" said Grouchy with frustration.

"Go free to use the door on your way out!"

When the Spirit heard this, she turned her brush back to her wand.

"Oh, I'm not leaving," said the Spirit, and flew around Grouchy's room, and the blue sprinkles dropped on the floor.

"Until I take you on a magical journey back in time!"

Then the Spirit stopped the magic. There was silence.

"Ah, congratulations!" said Grouchy, in triumphant.

"Nothing happened!"

It did happened. Grouchy's alarm rang, and a hand stopped the alarm.

"What the Smurf?" said Grouchy. He saw a Smurf exactly like him, his voice, his everything was exactly same!

The Smurf got up.

"Oh, I hate mornings," said the Smurf. Then his face began to lighten up.

"Except for Christmas Morning!"

Then the Smurf excitedly got up. Grouchy, who saw this, said to himself,

"Hey, it's me!"

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