Somebody Come Get Her...

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I was sitting in class talking to Iida and Uraraka while we waited for Aizawa-sensei when Uraraka said that her family was doing worse than usual, and bills were due soon. I handed her five hundred dollar bills and said "This isn't much but it should help a bit." while smiling. She stared at the money I gave her and said "I-I can't accept this, it must have taken forever to get-" I cut her off by saying "I actually make twice that amount per night, so it's really not much of an inconvenience." Iida and Uraraka stared, and so did Kaachan.

"How the fuck do you make that much money Deku?!" Kaachan yelled, and I blushed. "I-I'm just really popular at my job, and it pays pretty well to begin with." I started muttering, but Kaachan asked "Where do you work?! And when do you work?! What the fuck?!" "W-well I work at this place down the road from the store, and I work nights since that's when most customers arrive." I said, not wanting to give the name of my work in case someone recognized it. "Dude, you have to tell us where you work, that's a lot of money." He said, and apparently Uraraka told the whole class how much it was while I was muttering because they all looked pretty shocked.

"W-well, um, none of you would be able to work there because, um, they- they don't usually hire minors. The- the only reason they hired me is because I'm- I'm friends with the manager and-" "Spit it out nerd!!" Kaachan yelled, and I decided to chance saying the name of the club. "The Black Rose..." I mumbled, and Kaminari spit out his drink. "The fuck's wrong Dunce Face?" He asked, and Kaminari said "Dude... Isn't that a strip club?" 

I felt my soul leave my body as I dropped my head onto my desk, using my arms to shield my face.  Kaachan yelled something, and Iida was also yelling as everyone else talked, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. They probably all hate me now anyway, I can almost hear the names they would call me. I don't know how long I sat there in embarrassment and self-loathing, but the next thing I was aware of was Present Mic screaming "YOOOOO MIDORIYAAAAAA" and I flinched.

I slowly lifted my head, vaguely feeling the tears on my face as Aizawa asked  "What happened? The entire class is whispering and looking at you and they won't respond to me." I groaned and dropped my head again, saying "I'm a failure, you might as well just kick me out." "What do you mean problem child?" Aizawa-sensei said, pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. "I have a job at nights, I make a lot of money from it." I said into my arms. "And why is that a bad thing?" Aizawa-sensei asked. Kaachan, who was previously standing in a corner silently, said "Deku's a fucking stripper." and I died again.

Aizawa-sensei was silent for a moment before saying "Listen kid, you're not a failure and I won't expel you. You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to, and if anyone says anything about it without your consent I will expel them. I don't know why you chose this job, but it doesn't make you a failure, ok?" I silently nodded and he started class as usual, and no one brought up the subject again in fear of being expelled. I did catch Mineta sending some perverted looks towards me, but Aizawa-sensei made him stop.

---THE END---

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the story. Please vote and comment if you did, it would make my day :3 Thank youuuuuuu ^3^

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