Arrive new playmate

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(Yellow lie to Tim just for him to stay to be his playmate and roommate)
Tim makes to  In about an hour Tim was excited to babysit shinx he loved shinx.
He knock on greeted by small poke out yes said shinx.
Tim greeted him babysit you. 
Shinx looks exciting opening the door to huge rich full game system stuff. 
welcome to my home shinx said I'm yellow nice to meet you and you are said yellow.
I'm Tim nice too meet you nice to meet  you to. place more one person.
Tim looks confused where parents/tainer did leave already said Tim.
Yellow looks sad oh don't lived here on my own. Said yellow. Tim looks shock then shake head ask " who as me to babysit you 1 week. Yellow smile I did silly said yellow.
Why do you need babysit if take care of yourself said Tim
Yellow look sad start to cry. Tim was confused but smiling hug little shinx.
Sorry didn't mean make  you cry or upset what wrong. 
Yellow wiped away some tear and spoke.
I have been alone since family left me here.
I had to survive by humans were so I asked anyone be my playmate love me for that it. 
Tim looks scared but ok as long get to live for free.
Yellow agreed told tim this house is own by me  no one take but it has a lot food supplies for eternity nothing goes bad  here.

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