Tim real plan

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Yellow  woke but realize he was in crib  not her normal bed gotten more smaller.
she look herself yellow was wear little girl diaper with ponyta on it Nightgown it was pink. Yellow hate wear color pink . She used diaper, I don't understand? yellow question  why is Tim doing this gave everything back to him he treat me like baby... yellow though about it is Tim try make me like this he can't I am only Pokémon that changed age and make them forget who they are Tim though of what yellow might be doing too her.
Tim getting revenge from when I put him outside. Trying to make me into female Pokémon. Tim overheard Yellow was surprise Tim got there neck time. Heard what you were saying about what I been doing to you and yes this is all plan turned into sister so rather have little baby girl to take you will stay this forever then bossy older brother. Yellow started crying why me I am. I also can put you to sleep used diaper with say two different words.
She didn't care she want to be big brother again or at lest boy.
So Tim try sleeping word ( baby girl need nap)
When Tim say that yellow fell sleep being all in ready for nap. Tim left  turn himself  back baby shinx begin wet himself. That gave Tim ideas

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