1-5 months revenge

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Yellow was excited to see Tim do all soft fun stuff. Yellow gave old hey doggie ready to play? Tim did not answer. Yellow ask Tim are you ready to play? Still no answer. Yellow got nervous so check on Tim see if everything was alright. When he walk in Tim face stare angry at yellow not talk look other way. Yellow try talk hey do you want to play shake his head no.
Yellow ask why but Tim no response. after that Tim just stays dog house yellow gives some stuff to do some to eat and try hug Tim but he gets pushed away. Tim still not pay anything attention for so he can get yellow back by treat him like he worthless.
Tim continue go silent 2 months yellow felts scared would he ever talk to him again. Tim did not care or play and look at yellow.
Yellow soft sad lonely did not want to lose Tim as brother because he was really kind to rest way when he become shinx.Tim still not pay anything attention for so he can get yellow back by treat him like he worthless. Still Tim won't don't wanna talk to him at all he turn to look at him more or even eat use diaper his diaper but that it.
Yellow try to apologize please but Tim growl at in response.
He still doesn't mind dog house Better being treat poorly then being treated at all. Yellow feeling bad for Tim for hurt him not being good brother towards him did what to say left him alone.
Tim was still speak one bit didn't care about him because of how he was treated.
Yellows try cook food for him that didn't work. Try hug him but  push him
Still nothing will work yellow look depressed and did know what to do he Tim stayed dog house not come in. Yellow understand doesn't want to speak to him because what he called him Tim baby. I wear diaper yellow said to yellow too said mutable to himself.
Did know what to do should I apologize?

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