Well, watch your mouth!

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Pic of Silver's building. :(


       "Who the hell are you?" 'Wow. He's attitude and demeanor changed very quickly.'


Silver's POV

       "Lanie! Watch your tounge! This is my boss Blaine Riverblade. This is not how you where raised." I scold my hot blooded little brother as he scowls and glares daggers and knives at Blaine. "Lancivima!" My self-proclaimed protector finally looks at me with the use of his full first name. I inhale deeply a sigh at his reluctance to let his tight guard down infront of Blaine. "Please go and pack your things we are going to move out of here." An assortment of emotions flickered across Lanie's face shock, surprise, happiness, relief, fear, and finishing on worried confusion.

       "Then where are we going to go? To another shelter?" I open my mouth to answer but Blaine beat me to it. "You're coming to live in my house." Lanie shot a glare back to him crossing his arms. "Your house? And what's the catch?...we clean, make the food? Oh. Wait. I get it. You're after Silver, huh? You got the hots for him too, don't you?"

       "L-Lan-" I start to stutter out but Blaine steps forward slightly and wrapped his thick muscular arm around my waist. "Yes I am after your brother. Got a problem with that?"

      Lanie stared him down and turned on his heel to the back bedroom. "Yes. But I feel you have a better chance of protecting and making him happy than those other scums. You've actually got balls." Then he walks into the hall way and we hear the door click closed. "Sorry about him. He has a rough way of doing and saying things." Blaine glances down at me.

       "It's alright. I like him. He's most likely the reason that you're still a virgin." He smirks down at me causing a blush to heat throughout my face and along my neck, which he kisses. "I-I have to go pack too." I tell him as I squirm out of his tight hold and scamper away hiding behind the corner wall that leads to the bedroom. I look back at Blaine with one eye and wave my hand towards the old ugly brown couch. "Wait there and I'll be done in a bit." I rush to Lanie's, Endra's, and my room and hurriedly pack what little we actually own, in bags that were freebies from when our mom was alive.

       Endra rolls from her position on the old creaky bow spring bed and my hands stop mid shove of one of my old repatched clothes. I stand from my kneeled position with the bags to tuck her in more. She snuggles into a ball shape under the blankets mumbling sentences that made absolutely no sense what so ever. Gazing down at her I gently run my fingers across her forehead and push a tuft of her soft baby hair behind her cute ear. Drawing in courage from the knowledge of their heath and happiness I set back to work on packing what we will need and want.

      Tying them so that the contents wouldn't fall but the handles could still be undone. I gaze about the sparce room that didn't look much different than when our things where sprinkled here and there. 'Haaah. At least I wouldn't miss this damp.' "Silvie." Lanie calls out and supprisses me with the nickname he used to address me by. "Yes?" We stare deeply into each others eyes for what seems like hours when his head drops and he asks me in a quivering voice. "Will we be ok?" Tears well up in my eyes.

       I grab him hugging him close to my heart. "Yes. Everything is going to be alright now. Let me be the adult and you wory about teenager stuff and whatever the hell they do now a days." Lanie sniffles and rubs at his wet eyes. "Haha. You sound old like that." He grips my shirt and we hold eachother. Taking and receiving the warm, fluttery feeling you get from a loved one. "Now." I wipe gently at Lanie's reddening cheeks. "Let's head out to start new and fresh."

       Lanie nods and grabs as many bags as he can, haling them up and walking out of the room. I sigh shaking my head and turn towards the bed to position Endra in my arms. While making sure that her head was carefully cradled against the crook of my neck she grips my shirt and wraps her legs tightly around me. "Mommy. Wuv ou." I smile and caress her soft, bouncy curls. "I love you to." The door flies open and a angry looking Lanie storms headlong. "Stupid muscle-for-brains. I had it just fine. But nooo... he had to show me up."

       I look on amused as he mumbles to himself and grabs the only two bags left. "Lanie, what are you muttering about?" He renches his head back at me, face scrunched up in frustration. "Your stupid boyfriend that's what." Then he was gone. "He's not my b-boyfriend." My cheeks flush again as I hurry after a fast paced Lanie.

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