Long day||Karlity

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*This takes place where Quackity and Karl are now boyfriends living together when Quackity is streaming and the chat gets too much for him, so Karl helps Quackity feel better*

This chapter is just fluff, no smut yet ;)

It had already been a long day for Alex. He had been editing all day and was sick of sitting around at his computer, but he knew he had already promised his followers he'd stream today. All Alex wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep, but he was always true to his word. He decided he would take a 10 minute break before he started streaming. Once he left his room and went downstairs, he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. After he picked out what he wanted, he closed the refrigerator door, surprising him as Karl was on the other side. 

"Karl! You scared me!" Alex said in a whiny voice, extending the vowel in his last word.

 "I haven't seen you all day. You really shouldn't work all day like this, it's not healthy." Karl replied hands crossed over his chest,  clearly concerned about his boyfriend. 

"I know. I know. But I promised I'd stream today, and I don't wanna let anyone down."  Quackity explained with his head down.

"Just don't overdo it. Try not to stream too long, Okay? Do it for me?"  Karl questioned with a softer tone.

Quackity nodded "Only for you." He then kissed his boyfriend on the cheek and went upstairs to stream. 

Not feeling much better Quackity started his stream, putting on the best fake smile he could. He was about 20 minutes in before all the dono's rolled in. Most were positive and the same as usual, just the normal "I love you!" and "How are you?" donations that repeated a lot. 

"why u built like that lol" One of the donations commented.

This stuck with the boy. 'Why am I built like what? Do they think I'm fat? Do all of my fans wonder that?' 

In an attempt to make light of the situation, he responded with "Not sure, but your mom sure likes how I look." 

After that dono, more negative donos started rolling in. 

"ur garbage at this game"

"your beanie doesn't cover the fact that your ugly"

"quack tity is so annoying lolol i dont get how any of his friends can stand him"

That was the comment that made him snap. Tears started to prick at his eyes and he quickly turned off his camera. 

"I need to go chat. Bye!" He said as fast as possible before ending his stream. As soon as he had clicked the button, he full-on broke down. Tears were running down his face as he sobbed loudly. 

Karl was watching his stream on the couch when he noticed how rude the fans were being and how hurt Alex looked. Seeing Alex like that hurt him. He couldn't stand to see his boyfriend getting bullied like that. He continued watching the stream until the very end when he knew something wasn't right.  He quickly walked up to Quackity's set up and opened the door to see Alex balled up on the floor crying. The sight of this broke his heart.

"My poor baby." The taller said rushing over to comfort Alex. 

"T-they were b-being so mean!" Alex sobbed out. 

"I know sweetheart. I know." Karl replied, pulling Alex onto his lap to where he was straddling the taller, crying into his shoulder. 

"I promise what they said isn't true, Alex. You're the most handsome, funny, and caring boyfriend in the world. I bet they were just jealous of you or were trying to be funny. It's okay."

Alex started to feel better at the older's words. He lifted his head out of his boyfriend's shoulder to look at his face. Alex had finally stopped crying and wiped his tears.

"Thank you, Karl." Alex managed to speak out, almost too soft to be heard.

"I'm always here for you, okay?" Karl asked to see Alex nod in response.

"I care about you so much, it hurts to see you so sad." 

Alex then tried to snuggle into his boyfriend, but Karl then pulled away. 

"How about we snuggle on the couch and watch a movie instead?" Karl asked in an attempt to get Alex off the ground. 

"Only if we can watch a soap opera." Alex spoke, clearly happier than before.

"Fineeee." Karl replied, extending the "e", making the shorter giggle. 

Karl put on the movie as Alex got blankets for the couch. They then cuddled on the couch and watched the soap opera, occasionally laughing at its jokes. 

"I love you." Karl stated, looking at Quackity with loving eyes.

"I love you more."


Words: 770 

It seems that all of my oneshots end with them on the couch watching a movie lol. Leave suggestions in the comments please I'm not very creative. 

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