Stress Free Night||KarlNap

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*After a long stressful week, Karl hasn't been doing too good and Sapnap notices this. Sapnap then decides to make Karl regress, even if it wasn't what he has planned. In this chapter Karl and Sapnap are dating and living together.*

!Little- Karl !Cg- Sapnap

disclaimer: this chapter includes age regression, which is where people act younger than they actually are as a coping mechanism to help with stress and trauma, mostly from childhood. Please do not comment things about this being weird as it is very discouraging, if you don't like reading these types of things, feel free to skip this chapter.

CW: Involuntary agere, Panic attack, fluff

"Bye guys!" Karl said with a smile as he ended his stream. Immediately after his stream ended, his smile dropped down to a frown. He was so exhausted from the past few weeks he's had, working non-stop.

Karl got out of his gaming chair and on his bed where he curled up with blankets and pillows. So much had been on the brunette's mind as he was debating to let his foggy mind slip, but decided against it. He wouldn't possibly have time to slip. He was far too much focused on whether or not his videos were good content and if he had streamed enough this week.

Karl started to freak out when all his thoughts came rushing into his head. 'Was my stream even good? I never post on my youtube. All my "fans" probably hate me anyways. What am I even gonna stream next week?' His thoughts repeated in his head to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. The boy completely broke down and began sobbing his heart out. He tried his best to be as quiet as possible, but he was still loud enough for his boyfriend to hear.

Sapnap came into Karl's room to see him sobbing into his pillow. Seeing this broke his heart, as he ran onto the bed and took Karls hands in his own.

"Breath with me, can you do that for me please?" Sapnap asked the boy, receiving a slight nod.

"Breath in. Hold. Breath out." The younger repeated as Karl followed. After several times doing this, Karl had finally started to calm down, his brain even more foggy than before. Sapnap noticed the internal battle going on in his lovers head as he finally said something.

"Stop fighting it, baby. It's gonna be okay." Sapnap reassured the older.

"I don't want to Sapnap, I have too much to worry about right now and have no time to be acting like a child." Karl vented out.

"Karl, you haven't regressed in like over a month. You need a break. Please do this for yourself." The worried boy told to the brunette.

"No!" Karl snapped out harshly. Sapnap slightly jumped to his boyfriends reaction, he didn't expect Karl to snap at him like that.

Karl noticed how taken aback the boy was and immediately softened his tone.

"I'm sorry. I just have so much going on." Karl whined out.

Sapnap didn't respond, he just went over to Karls closet and started searching for something.

Karl followed the other over to his closet confused until Sapnap pulled out a familiar box with all of karls little supplies.

"I told you I can't, Sapnap." Karl mentioned to the other.

"Frankly, I don't care what you think you can and can't do. You're being a grumpy brat right now and I won't take it. So yes you can regress and you will now." Sapnap explained, already making Karl feel smaller.

Karl simply crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. He was over whatever Sapnap was getting at and walked over to sit on his bed. He started to play games on his phone.

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