~What to wear!?~

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Oikawa started to look for something both he could keep warm with, and be happy with. And of course he wanted Iwaizumi to like it aswell.

He scanned through the drawers, every single one, and got a little bit panicked when he couldnt find something decent yet cozy.

He then rememberd that he had a big poofy and fluffy coat and a scarf to go with it he could wear. 

He dashed to his closet and started the search.

"No, not this one, or this one....." he kept scanning the coat hangers. "AHA!" He had found the coat.

He gently picked it off the coat hanger and brought it upstairs.

He put on the coat, and scarf, and waited outside on his front garden bit (which is shelterd by a sort of roof thing)

~A Valentine's Date~ IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now