𝔇𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔶 𝔏𝔢𝔴𝔦𝔰

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Darcy lewis x reader WIP


"Darcy's still out there!" You shouted as Sword agents held you back from running towards the Hex. Scrambling your way out of their arms, they failed to keep you from whatever torture Wanda had in store for you.

As you got closer, you noticed Darcy tugging her wrist in an attempt to break the cuffs, clearly getting nowhere with that shenanigan.

"What are you doing here?" Doctor Lewis looked between the Hex getting closer and you running towards her. "I'm gotta help you," You pulled on the cuffs, doing the same thing she previously did. "That's not going to work!" She snapped. In truth be told, you both were about to get engulfed in what looked like growing abnormal pixels... maybe it wasn't so abnormal considering everything else had happened on this earth.

You stammered for another idea as you watched it swallow up the disintegrating Avenger. "C'mon, Y/N, you gotta run!" She turned to you, concern and a whole 'lotta fear painted her face.

"Hang on to the car." She looked at you, confused now. Breaking the window, you unlocked the door from the inside. "You're just going to drag me away?" She looked back at Wanda's creation then to you struggling to get into the car quick enough. "It's better than whatever that is eating us both!"

"It wouldn't eat us both if you would just run!" The car wouldn't start. You got out at the same speed you got in and struggled with Darcy's handcuffs again.

"Y/N," You looked up to detect how close the Hex now was. Answer: about a meter.

Nuzzling her way into your torso, Darcy hugged you as best she could. There was no way you'd be able to get her out. You hugged her back and sniffled into her hair.

If you make it out you'll remember to ask what shampoo she uses because Darcy Lewis smells like fresh-picked strawberries.

"I'm sorry, Dar-Dar," Running your fingers through her strawberry hair, you held her right as the Hex absorbed everything on your level

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