...I think i like you...

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Later that day it was time for suna to go to the gym and play some volleyball, he was nervous, he hadn't played volleyball since middle school and he knew that Inarizaki was a top ranking team so he knew he'd be outmatched..he arrived at the gym and osamu spiked a ball down, it sounded almost like a small firework, he was a middle blocker so that made his nerves rattle. 

Osamu: Suna! Hey foxy!

Suna: *bushed intensely* wh-why th-that nickname?

Osamu: Your eyes, theyre as beautiful as a fox's and btw you're cute when you blush :)

Suna: sh-shut up *he said as he feels all his blood go to his cheeks*

Kita: okay guys!! We have someone joining us for today! he made quite the impression back in middle school as a blocker. 

Osamu: *ooh so hes a blocker, hm fun *he smirked internally, lets see this*

as they started to play osamu was about to spike a straight but suna would've stopped it immediately, so being the talented mf he is changed it to a cross but suna got to it also being the talented mf he was,


Suna: huh? just a block?

Kita: omg please join our team, you'd be such an asset pleeeease

Osamu: holy shit foxy, ive never been shut down that easily that was- a-a-amazing...

Suna: *blushed* th-thanks, and i might just take you up on that *he giggled*

Osamu: *omfg i feel like im almost in love especially when he laughs or when he blushes its the cutest thing ever*

Suna: hey 'samu you can take a picture it'll last longer ;)

Osamu: *blushed harder then ever before* tch, sorry foxy yer just too adorable..lets go back ;)

kita: hmmmmm i seeeee

suna: n-no its no-nothing like that...

*A week later: 

Kita: id like to announce our new OFFICIAL member, Suna Rintarou!!

Osamu: *blushed at hearing his name, he looked so hot in his jersey he thought*

Suna: th-thank you guys it means s-so much *he started tearing up a bit*

Osamu: *pulled him into a hug*

3 months later: they had just won their ticket to go to nationals

Osamu: (talking to suna) it was ya, ya were the last play and you shut him down so easily i cant believe we won 25-7 thats- i-insane and i- n- never mind-

Suna: oh uh okay?

osamu: **in thoughts** i need to ask someone, i need to confess because i cant let him slip between my fingers...

he texted atsumu: "Hey how did you confess to sakusa?" "so yer finally gonna do it huh? ok well i  took him somewhere i've never taken anyone so its special then told him how i feel, do that trust me ;)" he texted back "wow my brother having good advice? interesting..." "shut yer trap i usually do" "uhuh sure"

osamu thought: huh maybe i should bring him to my spot... it was in a forrest and had the most beautiful sunset and there was so many lightning bugs it would be perfect since there was even a small stream so he went immediately there and set things up all night and all day that next morning.

Suna: (muttered to himself) why the hell did he skip practice and school?!! And hes been ignoring my texts and calls!

Osamu sighed when he looked down at his phone: (12) missed calls and (16) unread messages, they read "Osamu are you okay?" "'samu where are you" "are you in danger" "wow that was stupid im pretty sure you wouldnt be able to answer if that was the case LMAO ooops" "my friend got us joints?" 

Osamu: *blushed that he was so worried and excited about the joints (me to myself while editing this: LMAO WHAT OK ADDICT-)

Osamu texted back "hey foxy, im sorry i worried you , im fine :) meet me at the café at 7 okay?"

Suna: texted back: "uhhhh okay? im glad youre ok you had me worried >:("

Osamu: texted back "im sorry foxy ill make it up to you promise.."


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