chapter 6: man's best friend

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"Didn't we make a deal earlier Georgie?~", he asked in a rather seductive tone.

George shivered at the tone of his voice and the fact that he felt Dream's breath caress his ear once again, it sounded, well, hot. It was deep and raspy. He had never heard this tone before from the blonde, and even if he did his mind was stuffed to the brim with clouds. The tone was a complete flip from his usual innocent posture, and George didn't really seem to mind that much.

He thought back to which deal the dirty blonde was referring to, but his mind drew blank. Probably because of their position right now, he felt really flustered yet happy at the same time. Suddenly Dream's arms snaked away from the brunette, George wanted to whine at the lost sensation but that would be pretty embarrassing. I mean who the hell whines at the lost sensation of losing a hug from your best bud? Well George certainly didn't want to be placed in that section. What about his ego? What about his pride?

All of the sudden the brunette got spun around by the oh so familiar pair of sun-kissed arms, now facing the other male who shifted him in that position in the first place. He was looking at George his eyes beaming full of expectation while his tail was wagging rapidly behind him. His child like smile never leaving his freckled face. George looked at him a bit confused at first. But then he remembered the cleaning they did earlier. And the petting deal. George scoffed amused at the excitement Dream was radiating just for a few head pats.

George shifted himself in a criss cross position now mirroring the very man that got him into this situation in the first place. George's eyes wandered all over the man's face. He scanned every freckle that was scattered across his cheeks, almost like they where hand-painted by god himself to shape a galaxy. His nose seemed perfectly sculpted to fit in with the rest of his features, some freckles made their way on there aswell. His soft looking lips where currently stretched in a smile that George found comfort in every time, and His eyes- god his eyes. They seemed like a whole new world, full of purity and happiness. Such a shame that George couldn't see them in their full color.

Nevertheless they where still considered George's favorite part of Dream's face. He wondered how he was single? Surely there must have been a handful of people who where enchanted by his looks. However he wasn't complaining, as much as he hated to admit it he really liked spending time with Dream. He hadn't even realized that he had been staring at Dream for a longer time then usual before the man himself pulled him out of his trance.

"Like what you see Georgie?~", Dream teased with a cocky ( ha ha cock ) smirk now taunting George. If George didn't feel embarrassed by his thoughts in the first place he undoubtedly felt humiliated now.

"Fuck off pissbaby, I'm breaking the deal", George deadpanned. Dream immediately started apologizing profusely, trying his absolute best to redeem himself in order to be rewarded by George's end of the deal. George rolled his eyes, but lifted his left arm up slightly anyways.

"Get down giraffe man I can't reach you from up there", George commanded. "Demanding much aren't we?", Dream teased but slightly moved his head down. Not to the point of him looking down completely, but to the point where his bangs hovered over his forehead slightly. He could also get a better look at George from here so he was quite content. George lifted his left hand, Dream got excided for a brief moment before it died down once again once he felt George try to pry the mask of off the side of his face.

When the petite man lifted the mask off of Dream's head he tossed it onto the other couch before returning his hand to the dirty blonde's head. Dream was practically crushing air with the amount of speed his tail was wagging at, if that's even possible.

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