chapter 8: supply run

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Tw: sexual fantasizing, dry humping(I will put a warning when it starts since it doesn't start right away)


Dream woke up again, this time however he wasn't looking around the room like his life depended on it. He felt something warm on his chest, it wasn't that heavy but definitely not as light as a feather. His eyes fluttered open but remained half lidded. 

Looking down at his chest now, he saw a familiar man laying there sound asleep both of his arms wrapped around Dream's body. Speaking of arms Dream's arms where positioned around the smaller man's  waist, His usually neat fluffy brown hair was a mess at the moment. A few strands pointing at different locations. He heard soft purrs emit from the cat boys throat and felt his chest rise and fall against his. He smiled a lazily smile at the sight.

His face was smooshed onto the fabric of Dream's t-shirt that he borrowed from Sapnap aswell, although it was a bit small on him he didn't really mind. He couldn't see George's face from the angle he was looking at, however he did have a clear view of the cute little ears that poked out of the chocolate locks of hair. They looked so.. pettable and oh so, so vulnerable an- oh god he already started caressing them softly along with the brown locks of the brunette.

George would never let him touch them. Might aswell use this moment to experience the impossible. Memories from last night came flooding back suddenly. Dream's breath hitched, but he forced his troubled thoughts down his throat. He didn't want to remind himself of last night for the sake of this perfect morning that he most likely won't experience again any time soon. What happened in the past stays in the past..right?

Not long after he felt George shift a bit against his chest, his ears twitched against his fingers that where still inside the bush of brown locks. He groaned, his eyebrows scrunched together as he shifted a bit more. Dream felt his face heat up at the sensation of their chests rubbing together, thanks to the brunettes constant shifting and squirming. George must have had a great nap judging by the fact that he so desperately tried to sleep again by squinting his eyes.

Eventually Dream grew tired of waiting for the boy to wake up on his own, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He lifted one of his arms up from George's waist over to his shoulder and gently shook him.

"Hey George, wake up", his own voice sounded deeper then usual, probably because he just recently woke up or the fact that he had just used his voice for the first time since his beauty sleep. When George only groaned in response and just tried to shift back to sleep, Dream started getting a little annoyed. He gripped his shoulder again, a bit more firmly this time, and shook it again. It wasn't a hard shake since he knew damn well if he did shake that hard George would loose an arm, but it wasn't as gentle as the previous one either.

"C'mon sleepyhead, you're crushing me", Dream complained jokingly. That however seemed to work since George's head started moving upwards to face the man that he slept on during the night. His eyes remained shut however, and Dream half expected him to just flop down and sleep once again. But then George's left arm that was wrapped around Dream, made it's way over to his face.

He rubbed his left eye a bit, Dream assumed it was to rub away the sleepiness that was probably clinging onto it, begging him to go back to sleep. Eventually George's eyes fluttered open, making direct eye contact with the Green-eyed man who gave him a dorky smile in return.

"Looks like sleeping beauty has woken up, perhaps I'm a prince afterall?", He joked. George only scoffed at him, his eyes practically calling him a bitch, yet there is no way Dream missed the tint of pink on his cheeks. After a few moments of silence George's mind started  to turn and twist into action, and something that he now realized was that he was laying on top of the other male.

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