East Asian Trial

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The nations had already ate and given or received comfort.

They were stressed, not sure which ancient would be shown next.

Several nations were casually talking and joking around to get their minds off of the stress.

"Ok, America. If you're stranded on a deserted island, and could only bring one thing, what would you bring?" Veneziano asks.

"Probably... a boat, to get off the island." America replies.

"Smartass." South Korea chuckles.

"You're really smart America!" Sealand exclaims.

"Of course, cause I'm the hero!" America shouts.

Multiple other nations groan.

Course, it wasn't all pleasant...

"What do you mean?! It's obviously the Navajo Taco!" Navajo shouts.

"Hell no! It's the Indian Taco!" Choctaw responds.

"No! It's Navajo Taco, cause we're the biggest tribe!"

"Excuse you." Cherokee comments.

"It's Indian Taco cause Navajos don't need to have everything!" South Ojibwe shouts.

"Is this debate really this serious and important?" Germany questions.

"YES!!" all the Native tribes respond.

Germany just puts his hands up in surrender as he walks away.

The nations were doing all they could to keep their sanity in tact. Casually chatting, joking, important arguments. They knew in just a few minutes they would need to begin watching memories again.

Soon enough, that time came. The nations began to enter the Journal Room as it was engulfed in the familiar flash of white light, once again.

Indomalaya was riding a jukung through the South China Sea, near the Malaysian coast of Borneo.

He looked down at the water, deep it thought.

He was noticeably tense and had a slightly frustrated expression.

"I can already sense that I will fade soon, I am not ready to tell them though." Indomalaya thinks to himself.

He looked towards the distant coast.

"Damnit! Why can't we just have time and not fade at horrible times?!" Indomalaya rants, pulling at his hair.

"I should probably talk to Chikap about this soon."

The scene changed suddenly. Indomalaya's children surrounded him, all noticeably saddened.

It was clear he had already told them the bad news.

"You can't fade cha! What will we do if your gone?" Lien cried.

The nations were surprised by the outburst from the Vietnamese girl. She wasn't one to show her emotions like that.

"I'm sorry Lien, but I can't stop it." Indomalaya says, bowing his head sadly.

"What do we do when you fade?" Neeraja (India) asks.

"I need you all to stick together, as much as possible. Try to stay together as siblings, even if your countries fight. I need you all to stick together." Indomalaya pleas.

"I know it will be easier said than done, but at least try, for me."

The children nodded solemnly.

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