interesting second day

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Narrator POV
Today is officially the second day of school and every is still asleep in the movie room their phones have been going off for about an hour but they smoked so much that they in a deep sleep but after a while N started slowly waking up

Man we smoked so much last night wtf is that ringing tho it's getting mad fucking annoying I started getting up to turn it off I walked over to my phone and everyone else and turned the alarms off why were they set anyways what time even is it "OH SHIT YALL WE FUCKIN LATE BRO" "N what the fuck are you yelling for bro"A "BITCH GET THE FUCK UP WE LATE FOR SCHOOL" "oh shit Deja and Lee grabbed bestie and (N/N) and go get dressed"Zay everyone got up and got dressed Deja and Lee dress the girls after everyone was done bestie and (n/n) was finally awake "alright y'all let's get in the groups like how we were yesterday and I'll pay for some fast food breakfast Ight" "Ight" we all agreed and got in the cars and left blasting music

After we all pulled off with them following me we stopped at a McDonald's once I got to the window to pay I gave them a gift card with $125 "I want to pay for the next four cars behind me please you can keep the card" "ok miss" after everyone got food everyone text me thank you once we got school it was the middle of first period we got our food and drinks and started walking to class once we got there we knocked on the door and the girl with glasses opened it "g-good morning" "good morning Kimberly-San" we all said and smiled she blushed and sat back down quickly we all walked in and sat down in the back "so your going to come in late one then you don't have a pass" "yes precisely that is correct thanks for stating the obvious" I said back and started eating "so your going to eat too" "bruh you had a attitude since we got here man" Nov "exactly like be glad we are here" I said "we woke up late and was hungry how would you feel if it was you or your kids" bestie "I-I um anyways class open you books to page 56" after class was over we all walked out but Ennoshita walked up to us "hey guys" "hey E how are you today" Lee "I'm good Aaliyah-San and you guys" "we're all good E" bestie "if you don't mind me asking why were you guys late today" "oh we were zooted and we woke up late" deja "oh anyways as you guys remember this is our second class" we all walk in and sat in the back like usual

⏭ Time skip ⏭

Once our third period was over we all walked to the cafeteria to get some food we all sat with volleyball team "hi everyone" the team said as we sat down "yo wassgood yall" I waved and the rest smiled "hey (Y/N)-Senpai I have a question" the tangerine asked "yo wassup what is it" "I was wondering if you could show me some moves today" "gang do y'all wanna stay after" "shit it don't matter to me" Nov "yeah we didn't plan nothing today" Big E "the answer is yeah (Y/N)" N "Ight then yeah I can show you a lil sum sum" I smiled at him "wow really thanks (Y/N)-Senpai I can't wait your going to be like woosh boom smack" we just laughed at him and kept eating "thanks for doing this (Y/N) a lot of the team has been wanting to see you in action since what you said"ChiChi "yeah ChiChi you know I don't mind it's been a while tho been caught up in some stuff recently you know" "oh we understand (Y/N) but if your anything like how you were when we last seen you you'll be just fine" Suga "thanks sweet"

🤷🏽‍♀️Time leave🤷🏽‍♀️

Once school was over and it was after school activity time we all walked to gym "it's been a while is my change of cloths still here" "yes right were you left them" "thanks Kiyoko imma be back y'all can sit in the bleachers" after I finished changing I walked out

Narrator POVToday is officially the second day of school and every is still asleep in the movie room their phones have been going off for about an hour but they smoked so much that they in a deep sleep but after a while N started slowly waking upN...

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"Damn (N/N) lookin mighty fine"Nov "exactly my girl a bad bitch" bestie said I just laughed by then the team was done with workouts "ok guys Kageyama with (Y/N) against Tsukishima and Yamaguchi" "you think those to can beat us their so short" "Tsukki don't underestimate (Y/N) she really good" "yeah whatever" "(Y/N)!!" "Yes small tangerine" "just so you know Kageyama can't serve all that well" "do you wanna go" "it's ok I can do it hun" I ruffed his hair "ok we're only going to 2 because we still have to practice"Chi we got ready and kage served I ran up to it and jumped as high as I can made it look like I was about to hit it with my left but spiked it with my right hand to say everyone was shocked was a understatement "WOOW (Y/N) THAT WAS AMAZING" the tangerine praised me "awe thanks it was nothing anyway one more" kage served it again but it was low I passed it back to him and he hit it into the air I jumped up and hit the ball with so much force Tsukki didn't even see it go passed his face "and that's two for us good game though guys y'all just wasn't ready for me I am crimson wings after all" "C-CRIMSON WINGS" Kage said in surprise "yeah that's me" "what's so important about that name" Tsukki "well guy (Y/N) here is crimson wings which is the top volleyball player in America"Chi "yes she don't get in gender because she can also play on boys teams"Suga "yup because I'm like that and that's on Foe Nem" "tell em (N/N)"bestie "Ight imma go change back" after I changed back into my uniform I sat with the gang leaning back between Nov legs on my phone when I got a call on my business phone "yo who da fuck this is" "yo wassgood (N/N) it's Kimimaro I was wondering if you all were free Friday""yeah we ain't doin shit why" "I'm inviting you all to a party" "what kind of party" "a beach party" "Ight we will be there" I hung up "aye who was dat"Nov "Kimmie" "what did he want"A "well we're all invited to a beach party so let's go shopping tomorrow" "why we always gotta go shopping mane"rell "don't question me I wanna go I like shopping" "she is right we like shopping too"Lee said while bestie and Deja nodded "but why we gotta go"A "because you are supposed to hold all of our bags"bestie "can't you get your bodyguards to do that"Rell "I could but I'm not so stop complaining you don't get a choice" I said and they shut up to

🐻‍❄️Mini time jump🐼

After practice was over everyone started walking out "well hall we gonna see hall tomorrow we about to head home" "have a good night you guys and try not to be late for school again" "yeah Sugamama will try" Suga blushed at the nickname the gang waved and got in there cars then went to the park to smoke and chill "so what do you think the real reason is"Nov "probably to get credit that were helping him out probably"bestie "I can see that if I made a deal with us I would to" A "I mean we are known all around the world"Lee "yeah I guess that means code 14" Zay "stay strapped at all times" we all said and laughed "welp let's go home and order takeout for dinner ion feel like cooking" "same" bestie once we all got to the gang house we all greeted the guards then went in the house to change and washed them waited for the takeout once it got here we all went to the living room with blanket and pillows and put on a movie which was sextuplets and was weak asf after cleaning up we all got comfortable on the couches and started falling asleep with the bodyguards watching the houses ready to lay thier lifes on the line and kill others in the process 🏘

𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑛[Haikyuu x black reader] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu