Mood swings and sh*t

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🦉(Y/N) POV 12:45 a.m.🦉
I rolled over in my bed and landed on something hot "AHHHH wtf that sh*t is hot asf"oh it was my phone and I was somehow still on FaceTime with Kenma he looked like he was watching me but it's that new iOS 14 update he was probably playing animal crossing welp I got up went to the bathroom and set up my camera and started my routine I was doing my edges "oh hey (Y/N)" "AHHHH oh sh*t my bad I forgot you were there Kenma hi good afternoon" he just smiled and waved and went back to his game and I finished my hair a half up ponytail and half down with two strands in my eyes and my fit of the day was a black crop top with red writing and white tigers and was spit down the middle from the end of the collar all the way down with rings holding it together some black joggers with a lot of pockets and some red and black Jordan 1's I put my lipgloss and jewelry and a waist chain that said bi*ch on I picked up my phone "hey Kenma is this cute" "yes it's cute (Y/N)" I thanked him "well I love you Kenma have a good day" "love you to" then I hung up now car or Motorcycle I'm going with the Motorcycle I'll get them a Uber later my Motorcycle is a modern type it's all black with rainbow lights on it well I grabbed my keys bag and helmet walked downstairs "hey (N/N)" "AHHHH please stop scaring me" "oh my bad do you want some food oh your driving your Motorcycle" "yes and yes" after eating and cleaning I got on my Motorcycle put on my helmet and started driving to the store to get one of my favorite duos something they had a game today so let hope for no mood swings I got to the store and got chocolate and small teddy bears put them in two small gift bags and left


I'm finally here at...Fukurōdani Academy yes time to see my baby's Bokuto and akaashi I was so happy to see them again it's been a minute after a while of driving I finally got to the school I parked instead of my phone for a mini with the helmet still on after about 30 minutes and I finally got off the bike and took my helmet off when I did a lot of people started staring it can only be two reasons One it's because I'm black two it's because they know my family I grab the gifts and started walking inside when I got inside I sat on their school side of the bleachers it was for the middle of the game and I felt like Bokuto was going to have a mood swing so I got out of my seat and started slowly walking to where are the coaches were I was standing behind them and it happened akaashi tried to cheer him up but it didn't work so I made myself a really dark aura it made some people shiver coach called a timeout all the boys started walking towards them when the coaches were done I stepped in front of Bokuto and akaashi and said " I thought you'd be happier The day I came anyway if you don't pull yourself together we are not going we I planned to take you it's just gonna be me and Akaashi and I will not give you this gift" they both looked at me "HEY HEY HEY (Y/N) YOUR HERE I WILL DO MY BEST FOR YOU" "thank you (Y/N)" "no problem I just felt like he was about to have one" they won the game in the end now I'm just waiting for them to change "so what were you saying about gifts" I looked up from my phone and it was Bokuto I gave him and Akaashi there gifts "hey how far is the amusement park from here" I asked "about 30 minutes why" "well that's where we're going today" "but we walked here (Y/N)" "i know imma order y'all a Uber but do your team wanna go to" the was a lot of yeah and yes so I started to order ubers about 30 mins passed they were all outside everyone started getting in the cars "(Y/N) are you coming" that caught everyone's attention "oh no I got my ride" I started walking to my Motorcycle it was in front of the cars "does she really know how to drive that" "don't underestimate her" I laugh put my helmet on and started my Motorcycle then did a wheelie and drove of with everyone following me


When we got there I parked and took my helmet off everyone was around me I was still on my bike "hey sweetheart you look pretty hot on that" some random dude said "back off she's not interested" "why are you her boyfriend" "no but she's one of the bros" "it's fine Bokuto I got this" "what are you gonna do sweet" "bi*ch gtfo Ion wanna yo ole ugly @ss tf" "that's why your ugly asf" "and you face looks like it wants to be friends with my bullet" "oh so you think your all big and bad because you make death threats" "should we step in or..." "like we said don't underestimate her" I pulled out my custom cerakote glock 19 and pointed at him "I don't make threats I make promises sweetie" "okay (Y/N) that's enough" Akaashi said in a calm voice I hesitated but I put my gun away "now get tf outta my face" the dude walked away shaking "okay where do you guys wanna go first" I said happily "yes she has mood swing  just like Bokuto that's how she knew he was about to get emo mode" everyone said it made sense we went in and rode rides and they won me some stuffed animals in overall it was fun it was dark and the park was closing soon so I called some more ubers and sent people home it was just me Akaashi and Bokuto I called another Uber and told them I love them have a good night the said the same back I got on my Motorcycle and left and went home and chilled in my room after I showered and did my night stuff and FaceTime Sakusa and listen to him complain about people and germs til we feel asleep 💤

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