Crazy Ass Shit

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💚(Y/N) POV💚 1:30 P.M.
I got up this afternoon and man was I tired bestie was at the door saying something "what" "I said your phones had been going off sense 1" I got my phone and she wasn't lying it was Suga he text me worried because we didn't speak in like a week I text him back I was busy packing I got up and when to my bathroom and got in the shower and started getting ready did my edge and wet my hair some and let it down my morning routine it was kinda cold out so my daily fit was a long sleeve skin tight black jumpsuit and a short orange fur coat and some orange and black Jordan 1s with my jewelry and my black rain cloud sunglasses grabbed my black small purse and went to bestie room she was already dressed she knows me well she was wearing gray jumpsuit and a black cropped sweater and some black ugg slides she sunglasses and her bag "I already know call jay and let's go" I laughed and called jay he said give him 10 minutes after that 10 there was a knock on the door we opened the door and there he was in a tuxedo jay be looking so good "good afternoon miss and miss" he smiled I almost fell but caught myself we walked out and he helped us in I told him the school to go to and we then left but we had to stop by coaches store first jay helped us out and stayed by the door we walked in "go get a lot of candy and snacks and drink please bestie" "yea Ight" she walked off I walked to the front with my glasses on "hello ma'am can I help you" "hey ukai" "um hello" "damn you don't remember me" I took my sunglasses off and looked up "OH (Y/N) WHEN" "last week how are you and everyone" "I pretty hood and so is the team there still a hand full" we laughed then bestie came up to us and we checked out "well I'll see you later I going to see the team" " see you later (Y/N)" he waved and we walked out jay followed and helped us in we finally left for the school


We finally at Karasuno to see my baby's jay helped us out the car and walked with us to the gym we all walked in slowly and sat down no one saw us or heard us so we waited til they were done with practice and was cleaning up I walked down the bleachers and stood at the bottom and yelled "HI I'M BACK BABYGURLL,GUCCI,BUN BUN,SWEET FACE, CHICHI"with a big smile at the end it was quite for a second "(Y/N)!!!" The all screamed in perfect sync
I walked forward some and the all ran and took me to the ground they were all crying tears of joy and say sweet things to me "miss (L/N) are you alright" jay asked calm "oh yes I'm very fine thanks for your worries" "yes ma'am" he walked back to where bestie was standing "(Y/N) is that your butler or..." Suga asked "nope he is my personal driver ion have no butler" everyone got up and Suga helped me up and I jumped onto him and he held my thighs we laughed together "well bitches introduced me to your team there already staring" "ITS BECAUSE YOUR SO PRETTY" "PRETTY SHE'S BEAUTIFUL NOYA" the two boys started to run towards us Suga sidestepped with me and they fell to the ground "DON'T JUMP ON HER" chichi looked mad I just laughed "anyway everyone gathered around so we can get introduced"after everyone said there things a orange hair boy came up to me "aww your so cute" he started blushing "umm thanks can you play volleyball" I just smiled "yes I can" "really what Position do you play" "oh I can do anyone" "oh really but look how short you are" Tsukishima said "I wouldn't do that Tsukki" Gucci said "yea listen to yams on this" bun bun said "no look at her she is short see look" he stood beside me for comparison I turned to him real slow with a look in my eye everyone looked scared "Joder, será mejor que te alegré de no haberte hecho la puta rótula" (Bitch you better be glad I didn't take your fucking kneecaps hoe) everyone looked confused bestie bust out laughing so hard she was crying yes we learned Spanish from some family "Cállate de una puta vez, estoy intentando cruzar mi punto" (Shut the fuck up I'm trying to get my point across) "Vale, no hace falta que me jodas, fue gracioso" (Alright no need to cuss at me it was funny damn) we started at each other then bust out laughing "um what just happened" Suga sked"I don't know but it was hot" Tanaka said we finally stopped laughing "De todas formas lo conseguí I mean anyways I got some stuff for y'all we went by coaches store just come to the limo when your done here" me bestie and jay walked out and to the car jay opened the door so I could get the stuff out after about 20 minutes everyone came out "well I got you guys all this stuff to take home but right now we're going to get meat buns" "umm not to be rude but how do you have a limo and a driver" "well Ennoshita if you must know my parents own a big company and is very rich and me and my bestie are very successful rapper's to so that's why" some of them looked shocked we all got in and left the school

🖤Time Skip🖤

Chichi went and got the meat buns we all were just riding around in the limo after we all were done we kept riding around after about 30 minutes of that there were gunshots everyone looked scared me and bestie looked at each other dead serious and nodded jay rolled down the little window "it seems we have a problem starting stage 1" "yea thanks" he started speeding I got up and put the code in the secret part of the floor it open I grabbed my two rifles one was like deadshots the other was a joker put the straps on and handed bestie her gold and pink m4 carbine "WHAT IS GOING ON" Suga said "I forgot to mention we're in a gang this happens a lot you'll be alright just get down" I said the all got down "stage 1 complete not progressing stage 2" I opened the sunroof and bestie opened a window "fire at will"we started shooting til the bullets ran out I switch to my DeathShot and went in and shot out the tires and made them crash "stage 2 completed now finally stage, stage 3" we got back in and rolled the windows and put the guns away then sat down "jay go around in a circle and make sure there was no one else" "yes ma'am" "oh y'all can get up now sorry you had to go though that because of us" "no it ok (Y/N) we wished you would of told us before hand"Suga said "I'm so sorry" I started fake crying "no it ok please don't cry" Chichi said I stopped "I'll take you guy home" after I dropped everyone off and gave them food and stuff after then bestie looked at me "really the fake tears you a guilt tripper" "I know but it work" we laughed we make it home and jay helped us out "thanks jay for everything you will get some extra pay have a great night sweetie" "thank you miss you two also have a great night" we walked in the house and did our nightly thing and got in bed I got a message from a number and opened it it was a video of what happened tonight I asked who it was surprise it was Tsukki I saved the video and thanked him and sent it to the gangs group chat we agreed to meet soon I turned my phone off and listen to some music and went to sleep 💤

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