Chp. 7 - The Ball of Light

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Mihnos POV:
              The sun is just starting to come up and Trevor is still knocked out, of course everyone just left him there once Nick stopped beating the shuc kout of him. Alby said that I should take some water and a weapon so that is why I am in the homestead right now looking for some kind of weapon when something falls out of Auroras hammock. I look and it is the necklace that she came up with and I am still terribly just like the other boys confused on what it will do. Only time will tell i guess, I thought to myself as I stand up and look for a weapon.

                I eventually find a machete and thats when I hear the rumbling of the doors open. Me and everyone run up and look down the corridor. I can see everyone is even more concerned when she isn't at the entrance. I'm about to go in when I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Newt who gives me a soft smile and says, "Bring her back will you?" "I will try." I reply. Newt pats me on the back and I set off. Right when I walk in I thankfully see little footprints, but then I see a claw like marks in the ground following the little ones every once in a while so I quickly follow them.

               I've only been walking for around ten minutes when I look down a corridor and see a little body on it's side barely breathing. I instantly sprint over to her and pick her up when I notice she has blood running down her face and when I follow it up I see that she hit her head pretty hard. I quickly shake my head out of my trance and run back to the glade where everyone (including Trevor all though he is still passed out) is waiting. When they see me with Aurora they smile and cheer but that quickly fades away when they see the state she is in. Me, Jeff and Newt quickly go over to the med-jack hut and gets her cleaned and bandaged up where we also learned she sprained her ankle.

              As me and Newt leave the hut everyone asks if she is ok "She is ok she just hit her head and sprained her ankle, but is still passed out." Newt replies. "It's a maze." I say randomly shich causes everyone to stare at me in confusion. "It's a maze out there." I say. That's when everyone starts talking over lapping one another while I stay quiet thinking. "All right slim it!" Alby says which everyone instatly becomes quiet before Alby continues. "How about this we will train about three of you who will run the maze as Mihno says it is and we will start mapping a way out of here." He smiles and everyone smiles and starts cheering when Jeff comes stumbling out while out of breathe. "It's Aurora when she woke up she started freaking out and then all of a sudden a bright light comes from her hands and forms a ball which went to her head and ankle and now they are completely healed which made her freak out more." He said in one breathe. All of us look at Newt and he quickly says "All right I'll go calm her down." He says and walks in. We all shared worried glances. What could this mean?

Authors Note:
      Sorry for the short chapter. Also I might discontinue this book seeing as no one is really reading it but we will have to wait and see.

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