Chap 6

474 5 1

percy pov

You know I never imagined that my life would turn out like this , never thought I'd  fight in wars or even become a Goddess or the fact that the moment i became immortal I remembered all my past lives memories. They all have one thing in commen and I can't seem to wrap my head around it.

At this moment were in the middle of a meeting but i couldn't concentrate . Remember when I said that my past memories had one thing in commen it was Ares the God of war. One man or god that was a constant in all my life's including this one. We were close but it seems in this life were not meant to be.

He looks happy  with her, I'm not inclined to ruin that for him. Does it hurt , yes it hurts so much it feels like someone is ripping my heart out with their hands and I'm to weak, to heartbroken to do anything about it.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the call of the meeting ending . I made my way to the beach once there i stared out in the horizon thinking . No , maybe grieving what once was or what it could've been.

"And what are you doing here all alone my dear niece?" questioned Hades , i smiled Hades always was my favorite uncle despite him trying to kill me when i was younger. "Can't one just simply enjoy some peace uncle." i turned giving him a tight smile hoping he doesn't notice."Godhood agrees with you Seph" stated my uncle he is one of few people i allow to call me by the nickname " Yes I'm quit happy uncle" I said with a small smile "I've seen you happier" he said with a small knowing smile .

Hades is probably the only one that remembers what i was like in my past life if the other gods knew they said nothing . "Ares has become restless and reckless . I've seen him happier to." was nonchalantly said by my uncle , sighing and shaking my head i answered the nonchalant question " He's happy uncle and free has been for years I'm not inclined to ruin it by telling him and expecting no forcing him to suddenly be loyal to me . I can't do that to him."  Hades looks at me with a sad look in his eyes before he goes back to the under world.

It's been a while since Hades and I spoke on the beach half a year in fact . The other gods and I have gotten along . With a few exceptions . I'm standing on the beach of montak when Ares comes standing next to me . "You've been avoiding me" stated Ares which was wrong I've just been busy ... Okay maybe it was partially true but I was not going to inform him of that "I've been busy" I answered "So I've heard or is it just an excuse " he questioned me . I turned looking him in the eyes i asked monotonously "What do you want Ares " looking back at me he answers "Just curious it seems you are getting along with everyone .Yet I have heard nothing from you.""I have nothing to say" I told him "Very well I'll be on my way then." " Goodbye Ares" standing on the beach I continued looking into the ocean .

Humming a song long last sung starting low my humming became louder . Little did I know war hadn't left yet standing only a few paces behind me close enough to hear the words I only ever sung with one other person.

"One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more" I sung holding back tears.

"I haven't heard those words in over a century." said a deep voice softly from behind me.I could feel his warm breath on my neck, turning around in surprise I come face to face with ruby red eyes , eyes that have softened but is guarded lifting his hand to cup my face "Words I thought i would never hear again" said war . We stood there staring intently into each others eyes he finally breaks the silence "How long have you known?" he questioned , opening my mouth to answer but the words are stuck in my throat , looking into eyes that have turned hard and glassy nothing escapes . "How.Long!" he demands "Fully six months. Before that dreams memories since I was twelve ." I answered "And you said nothing?" "I couldn't I didn't have the heart to ruin every thing for you.You were so happy." "It was my choice!" he said .

Looking each others eyes tears spilling out them I think. What have I done...   


A/N I have a few ideas for future one shots but i don't know which to do next so you'll VOTE.

POLL: Voting rules you'll comment 'OK' or 'YES' next to the desired ship and the one with the most votes I'll write next


fem!percy x jay halstead

fem!percy x perseus ( Hero of old)

fem!percy x achillies

Let the voting begin

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