Chap 2

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Apollo and Percy are already dating and the campers plus Posiden knows


Percy's pov

I woke up in the middel of the night and felt arms around me then I remember Apollo and I had fallen asleep last night. Whitch it didn't bother me because I was used to us sleeping together. After I managed to get out of his arms i mist travelled to the beach . I sat there thinking for a while i mean it was after we defeated Gaia and the war was over but . We - I lost so much my mum was dead along with paule and my baby brother, Reyna is in the infirmary badly injured . I just cant help but feel that its all my fault . I hadn't realize that I was crying when I felt a presense behind me and I immediately knew who it was so I quickly wiped the tears away.

Apollo pov

I woke up in an empty bed in the middel of the night I remembered that Percy and I had fallen asleep. I then stayed there and waited for a few minutes because I knew she needed space but after nearly half an hour later she wasn't back yet so. I went to the beach and saw her looking out to the waves I then went to sit next to her . She moved closer and put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her . When I looked at her face I saw her eyes were red and puffy . I knew she was crying.

"Hey wats wrong" I asked

"Nothing I was just thinking" she replied

I knew she was lying .

"Please tell me wats wrong it hurts me to see you like this to know that your not fine and lying to me so wats rong" I said the last part demandingly .

"Its nothing Apollo I was just thinking about the wars what happened.  All the people that died were and my mom ... I just feel. . ."she trailed of in the end I knew something was bothering her.

"You feel ?"


"Please Percy tell me I want to help you or at least let you feel better "

"I feel like its all my fault... like it should be me not them ... There are few thing that are keep-..." she trailed of and sobbed at the end

"Oh Percy its not your fault and don't you ever think that ..."

"My flaw is stopping me to do what I wanted to do for so long and there is another reason to I just I don't know what to do I some times feel like I'm falling apart"

"You'll be okay, what is your flaw not allowing you to do?"

"Its nothing , lets go we better get back to bed"

I knew she was lying and that she was trying to change the subject but I'm not gonna let her.

"Percy please tell me !!! Please! .Let me in."

"I want to end it all but i can't because I'm loyal and I don't want to leave you , you are the only thing keeping me together because I feel like anytime I'm going to crumble to the ground!!!!!"

With each sentence she took a step closer to me when she was done I kissed her...

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