chap 5

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Disclaimer : i do not own these characters they belong to their respective owners (everything i write in bold is when they speek greek)

Percy pov

I was finished with high school and I have an amazing boyfriend  but I just do not know what to do with my life . I wanted to be a marine biologist but that  just doesn't seem right any more . I have a idea what I might do next but they wont be happy but its all I'v known to do ... 

i was jarred from my thoughts by two very nosy and loud gods one just so happens to be my boyfriend and the other some how managed to become a older brother figure.

"Hey gorgeous" said Apollo "hey Perce" said the god of war himself. "Hey guys" I replied something on my face or the tone of my voice must of gave away that something is wrong . Apollo came and sat on my bed next to me while Ares was sitting on my desk chair by my desk (duh).

"Hey wats wrong?" asked Apollo he looked slightly worried not that he needs to be "Nothing just thinking " I said "Thinking of what ?" questioned Ares " Just what I'm going to do next." I answered "What do you mean?" asked Apollo "Just that I don't know what I want to be " "i'm sure you'll figure it out Perce" said  Ares. I just smiled in thanks . After that we just talked and joked around for a while ... Ares must've gotten bored because he started to fiddle with a bunch of pamphlets I didn't think much of it until he asked "Percy, what is this?" " Ahhhh pamphlets" I answered "I can see that" Ares shot back frustratedly "What.Is.This?"  he asked again flicking his wrist up showing the pamphlets . Apollo looks at me questionably . " Recruitment pamphlets" i finally answered truthfully . "And why do you have the pamphlets " asked Apollo with anger and hurt in his eyes "Just keeping options in mind" I said carefully which is true i have been thinking of maybe joining the Navy . " Why is joining the military an option Percy. Haven't you  been through enough ? Haven't you fought enough aren't you tired ?" Ares once again questioned me anger and worry clear in his voice " And if you choose to go what about everyone? What about me I already had to sit and wait and do nothing while you go and fight , to worry if you ever are going to come back " said Apollo hurt so clear on his face and in his voice " I cant no wont be able to go through that again" said Apollo my oh so loving and supportive boy friend . It hurt him saying that but i understood why he said it . " Like i said it was just an option as to why it was an option , fighting is all I know how to do . I don't think i can live a life without fighting because I will always wait for the other shoe to drop." i said hurt ,sad and frustrated with myself for maybe not being able to live a calm life.

 Ares my brother like figure and Apollo my lover looked at me with sadness in their eyes "Then come talk to us if anything is bothering you no matter how big or small . Just let us help you ." said Ares determinedly and disparately.   


595words .... This is so far my best and favourite one I hope you enjoy  ;)

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