chap 4.1

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Percy p.o.v

I went to my cabin after talking to my mom ... I was running around packing my bags while deep in thought. I couldn't believe it i didn't want to go, that place is like your own personal Tartarus and the worst part is i don't have a choice . But the good thing is I'm not the only one going and i get to see my old friends but there is one person that i really didn't want to see i didn't want to see him . I was so busy packing my bags and so deep in thought i didn't realise someone was coming in...

Apollo p.o.v

I was walking into the posiden cabin after i closed the door did i realize Percy was packing her bags and i guess she was deep in thought because she hasn't noticed me yet . But as i see her packing i was wandering why . Was it because she wants to runaway from the camp? The gods? Was she going to see her mom and how long? But the most important one was . Is she running from ME ? I snapped my self out of my thoughts and told myself i was being paranoid.

"Percy? "

Then she turned around so fast i thought she would get whiplash

"Wats going on " i asked

"I have to go to school"

"Oh , OH!"

Then i realised wat she ment her going to school means we wont see each other much

"Don't worry we'll get to visit each other " she said

"I know its just I don't want you to go we barely even see each other now with school its going to be harder and we will see each other less i don't want you to go"

"I know, i don't want to go but good news is that is that its only for the year plus leo made monster proof phones so ill call you and we'll get to face chat as well "

"Fine but it doesn't mean i have to like the idea"

Can you blame me she's been through so much and i know there's something she's not telling me but I'm not gonna push her.

Time skip
Percy p.o.v

School already started a few weeks ago and so far the person i didn't want to see hasn't shown up yet but i have a feeling somethings gonna happen today so after i got ready for school Jason came and got me when we got to school we went to our registered class we were talking and joking around when suddenly the one person i didn't want to see came in ... i must've spaced out or something cuz Jason was calling my name

"Hey earth to Percy, u ok perce"

"Yeah jase I'm fine just hoped that for once the universe isn't  against me "
Because the person that walked in is ....

Sorry guys i havent published in a while i was meaning to but i had test and midterm exames and excuse some of my spelling i do have two languages that i know perfectly well but they are half similar that i get confused about how to spell certain words and ill re edit my already written chapters soon...

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