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Did he just propose?

"Yes of course I will" I screamed as he hugged me tighter than I've ever been hugged in my life. The next couple weeks were the longest in my life, I couldn't wait to see my beautiful shock artist again.

-a few weeks later-

I stepped off the plane and just breathed in the warm California air, I missed this so much. I grabbed my bag and stepped into the lobby area of the airport. I immediately saw the whole freakshow and ran towards them, I hugged all of them and when it came to Morgue I threw my arms around his neck and we had a very long session of PDA (public display of affection) ;)

"Oh my mother of Satan, you guys it's been forever"I said finally releasing morgue when I started feeling light headed from the lack of oxygen.

"Yeah, and..... OH...MY...GOD...HE DIDN'T"Asia said looking at my hand, I couldn't help but smile at the gorgeous ring resting on my next to the last finger.

"Sweetie we're so happy for you, and morgue honey it's such a big commitment. Are you sure you're ready?"Danielle asked.

"Don't try to talk him out of it mom"Asia said grabbing my hand and pulling the ring closer to her face.

The next few months were rather uneventful, we worked and switched up nights that we would stay at each others apartment.

#####I'm sorry for the huge delay on these stories I have no excuse but I'm bringing them to You now#####

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