Crying blood

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I got back to the Ray household and began cooking, it felt good to do something nice.
"It's ready" I yelled as people started coming to the table.
"This smells great" I heard Todd say as he walked to the kitchen. We ate and chatted for a while.
"So do you have any tattooes" Asia asked me.
"Yes I have the date I first swallowed a sword which was also my sixteenth birthday on my ankle, I have the date I first ate fire on my wrist, I have outlaw tattooed on my stomach, and freakshow on my lower back" I said showing them my ink. I showed morgue first.
"Why are you showing me before anyone else?" He asked me.
"Because you are the only one I have to worry about not taking me seriously" I said with a smirk on my face.
-_-_-_one week later-_-_-_
I left the ray house to go visit a friend. I got to her house at 8:00 p.m.
"I'm sorry" she said" but I don't allow people how look like that to come into my house" I looked at her puzzled. She is the one that invited me??
"Just leave me alone."
I got into my car and drove until I was close to the freakshow I sat in my car and pulled a razor blade out from under the seat and carved four lines in each arm, watching the blood drip from the blade. I realized what I had done and knew who lived the closest to the freakshow, I put my foot on the pedal and cried the whole way to his apartment building. I knocked on the door and I saw a dark figure open the door just before I fell into his arms.
"Oh my god what happened" I heard a voice say. All I could get out was
"I can't". He asked me to take off my hoodie so my wrists could be cleaned. now I was glad I put on my Black Veil Brides t shirt under my hoodie.
"Why would you do this" he asked concern in his voice.
"I need to sleep" I told him after he bandaged my wounds, he led me over to the couch, and sat with my head on his shoulder. I woke up to the sound of him talking to Asia in the background. Telling her we couldn't go to work, and not to tell her dad what happened.
I wiped the sweat off my forehead, and found my hands and wrists bandaged up.
"Hey you feel better?" I heard morgue ask me bringing a glass of water to the couch and holding my head up to drink (( because I couldn't hold the glass for myself))
"I feel like crap, but you know that's supposed to happen I guess" I said chuckling and unwrapping my wrists.
"Why did you do that Todd called last night looking for you, and I had to lie"
He said walking back to the kitchen.
"I went to see my old college friend, and when I got to her house she told me to buzz off. That she never wanted to see anyone that even remotely looked like me ever again. So I went to the freakshow, and well you know the rest"I said getting my hoodie out of the laundry basket sitting on the counter.
"Oh by the way I washed your hoodie" he said walking over to help me put it on so I didn't hurt my wrists.
"How long was I asleep"
"Around twelve hours"
"Oh crap I have to go feed my snake" I said lacing up my boots.
"Alright I'll drive you over there and you can get a shower" he said walking out the door.

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