The trip

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We ended up having a Hellraiser movie marathon, and it was 11:45 when we decided to go to bed. I was so tired, and I had to tell morgue tomorrow but how.
I eventually let sleep take over and I felt his lips resting against my neck, as his breathing steadied.
,;:;,;:;,;:;,next morning,;:;,;:;,;:;,
"Hey babe wake up I have to tell you something" I said brushing the stray hair out of his face.
"Alright but I know your not pregnant" he said as he propped himself up on his elbow, and looked into my deep silvery green eyes.
"Um I got accepted into a treatment center for ALS patients and I have to leave tomorrow" I blurted out waiting for a response. I didn't hear anything for around 30 seconds. does he really love me? Is this just pity because I'm sick?
"Ok, we can talk to Todd today about you taking time off" he stated softly kissing my forehead and laying his head into the crook of my neck.
"God your beautiful" I said running my fingers through his thin platinum hair.
I got up and got dressed in my 'if you think I'm hot you should see my boyfriend' long sleeve shirt with a hood, black leather pants, nightmare before Christmas fingerless gloves, and thigh high black lace up boots. I did my usual white foundation, drew on my eyebrows, black lipstick, and smoky eye. I made French toast and morgue came out of the bedroom dressed in black skinnies, black hooded long sleeve shirt with slits in the elbows, and combat boots. he had black lipstick and a purplish looking eyeshadow.
"Here eat" I said puting the French toast down in front of him, we finished eating and left to go to the freakshow. As we were walking to the freakshow we heard a couple people say "goth faggots" or "goth couple" or even " what a pair of fags" but it didn't phase us at all. we got to the freakshow and Asia ran up and tried to hug me.
"No no hugs please no hugs" I said as she backed up.
"Oh my Ashley purdy, you two are dating" she said referring to my shirt.
"Yep we are" morgue said snaking his arm around my waist. all the sudden we heard a group of "aaawwwwweeee's" and we looked to see everyone staring at us. I looked at morgue in time to see the blush leave his cheeks.
"You made him blush" Asia said as morgue put his head down. We went into the freakshow and everyone bombarded us with questions, and we couldn't even get a word in. Then I got an idea, I looked at morgue and nodded. We started making out and everyone shut up.
"Okay" I said pulling away "now we have something to say" I said turning to face morgue.
"She has been accepted to a clinic in Arizona that treats ALS but she will have to stay there for at the most six months"he said as everybody processed the information and nodded.
"Well you will always have a job here" Todd said smiling at us.
"Thanks but the only thing I'm worried about is not coming out the other side"i said tearing up, morgue hugged me and kissed the top of my head. We worked out the details of my flight and went home to pack, we finished packing and then I realized something I wasn't gonna be here tomorrow for Morgue's birthday.
"Hey babe can you go get my phone off the bed"i asked so I could slip his gift onto the coffee table. He came back and got a puzzled look on his face.
"What's this" he asked half smirking at me.
"Well I figured since I won't be here on your birthday than I can give you your present now" I said handing him the small black box with a red ribbon. He untied the ribbon and opened the up the box.
"A collar" he said looking at me confused.
"Yeah I claim you as mine"I said as I clipped the leather choker onto his neck, the small meathook shaped pendant dangled and he smiled at me evilly.
"Well I think I'm the one who claimed you" he said crawling on top of me.
"Baby what are you doing"i asked as he started kissing my neck. He slowly began taking off my clothes until we were both naked---------------------------
________________________________________I'm sorry there is a restriction on what I'll write________
---------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________use your purdy little imaginations ________________
We ended up falling asleep on the couch and woke up to the sound of him humming SAVIOUR by BVB into my ear, I immediately started crying and he seemed surprised but cradled me anyway.
"I'm sorry" I said standing up to go get a shower.
"It's fine I just want to know why you started crying" he said walking up behind me and snaking his arms around my waist.
"Well that song you were humming that helped me through a lot so when I heard it all that stuff came folding back" I said as I got in the shower

Sorry for not updating been really busy


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