Question from Auquablue:

848 13 6

"If you couldn't control Winter what would you want to control? Like Summer and that? ^_^"

I don't  control winter itself, I just control the weather that is associated with that season..time to time i have to do what Mother Nature tells me to, like no snow near the equator (sorry guys) or who needs less snow or more she freaks out on me when I do things that your science can't explain...but I'm getting off topic here xD.

It's been so long since  could  feel  the heat of the sun or another person. Besides Sora, I can feel her.

So i guess i would enjoy controlling the weather of summer . I would make it the perfect 80 degrees, dry heat  everyday. Even now i like going to the beach, in places in Maine and Michigan ,  but only to freeze the waves just as their about to crash against the rocks. It looks pretty cool if i do say so myself .

So in the end i would chose the control summer if i couldn't winter. But i wasn't given a choice so i make the best of what i have :)...good question snowflake.

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