Romancely Stuff xD

586 8 22

Question from FunnerShallBeAWord: Have you ever kissed a snowflake ?

First off, why must y'all know such personal things ?! Well ...*Turns around, room is empty* Maybe..Possibly...Yes..One girl she died though soon after. That's why i keep myself from falling in love with mortals .  That's all you're getting out of me.

Question from DanceingWithAngels: What do you find interesting about a girl?

Snowflakes have the oddest questions. First off she has to believe in me. That's a simple one. Second..she HAS to be immortal. That's not so simple. So that narrows down it down. She has to be herself. Which is ironically simple for  how can you be someone else when you'll always be you ? Mentally you can act as someone but physically you can only be you. 300 years alone with no one besides your thoughts you have time to think a lot about everything.

Another question from FunnerShallBeAWord: So basically you're a frost giant ?

Even though Loki is a frost giant. I on the other hand. Am not. I summon snow, create the patterns of frost ect. A frost giant i do believe cannot control their powers as well as i can. I've had practice for a while anyway. And if i was a frost giant, i would be the hottest frost giant there is *Strikes Pose* Oh how ironic, hot AND cold at the same time hahaha.

Question from HolyCheerBatman: If you could go back in time would you stop yourself from taking your sister tot he lake and save yourself from dieing?

Actually I've tried to stop myself before. But there's this thing called a Pooka. It always stops me from changing anything in the past. -_-"

Ask Jack FrostTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon