Prologue - "A Happy 'what', now?"

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It was a rather eventful evening in hell, as glasses, both empty and full, were clanking against wood tables within a bar not too far away from the central city. The bar was quite busy, given that it was a Sports Night, and people were hooked, due to the immense differences between sports in the land of the living, and the land of the dead.

'Oohs' and 'Aahs' were filling the bar frequently, and crunching and cracking of bones were inevitable in the view, due to the welcoming of violence. After all, death was impossible to achieve, unless it was during extermination by the angels. Sadistic, but things were better this way. . . Or so they thought, at least.

"One Bloody Mary, comin' up! Edith, we're a bit low on Tequila, Vodka, Bourbon, and Gin, get some from the storage room, will ya'?"

"On it, boss!" A somewhat short demon girl with a pony-tail and a red headband nods, scooting past a few customers and heading into the storage room.

"Richie, would you help her out? Her arms aren't gonna carry those crates if someone put a holy spear to her head. Raikō, would you get off of the FUCKING break seat and help substitute for the two I just sent out?"

On cue, Raikō turns away from talking to one of the customers, as one of them initially laughed with him after telling a story about when they were still alive. Instead of the usual Blue streaks and eyes, they were a crimson red color, and his fangs were far more visible than before.

"Oh, aye-aye, boss. I'll get right to it." He said with a small solute, tightening his bar apron and pulling a sticky note from the makeshift clothesline. Looking at the language of the note, his left iris shifted to display an unfamiliar sigil, before disappearing with a blink.

"Cuba Libre? What's that?" Raikō asked, looking towards the boss.

"It's just Rum and Cola. Throw a lime in there, and it's like you went to a five-star bar."  Edith says whilst panting, as she and the other male employee had worked together to sit a crate of Each of the request bottles of liquor needed from the boss, and sitting them on the shelf together.

"This is a five-star bar, Edith. It's why we're competing to keep those stars." Richie said, taking the nearly empty bottle of vodka and pouring it into a shot glass, before sliding it to a customer.

"It's not competing if we already have it! We're holding down the fort, how many times do I have to say it?" The boss corrected him, looking towards the three, who were working their hardest, with Raikō confusedly working on the unfamiliar drink. Looking at him, he rubs the bridge of his nose, before intervening.

"Jesus, you look like a deer in the headlights, doing this. . . Here, look, easy as fondue, yeah?" The boss grumbles, making the drink in mere seconds before placing a lime on the lip of the glass and tossing another in the concoction.

". . .I mean." Raikō deadpans.

". . .Just go serve, before I lose it. You're about *this* close, Red-head." The boss sighed,  pointing towards the burly customer with black fur. Giving another solute, Raikō took the platter of drinks that were prepared by Raikō and Edith, sitting the Cuba Libre on the platter as well and walking off. One by one, he'd give the drinks to the customers, as they'd either scoff or take his drink with a flirtatious look. This was probably due to 95% of them being drunk, but he was unsure.

Eventually, Raikō stopped near the demon with black fur, setting the drink down on his table. "There ya' go. Enjoy your Cuba Li-bruh." He said, turning away to walk off. Before a single step to be made, the demon grasped onto his wrist, preventing him from heading back to the bartending area.

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