Chapter One - "Welcome To The Happy Hotel!"

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After explanations, music, and even awkward silence, The Princess was still in a predicament. Nobody was taking her hotel seriously, except her close friend and Raikō, who she hadn't met yet, and was quite confused as to why she of all people, would go against her father's will.

After everyone had finished laughing at the now sad princess, Katie Killjoy, the News Reporter, decided to tease her even further. "What in the nine circles, makes you think a single denizen of hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment of yours even works! You want people to be good, just 'Because'?!" She says through her laughter, continuing to laugh with the rest of the news crew.

"Well. . .We have a patron already who believes in our cause and has shown incredible progress!" Charlotte continues, smirking in retort.

"Oh? And who might that be?" Katie asks, leaning in.

"Oh. . .Just someone named. . .Angel Dust," Charlotte answers, getting smug.

"The porn-star?" Katie's news partner asks.

"You fucking would, Tom." Katie smiles, scratching her desk as a means to resist her anger. Tom looks away, obviously under heat from her reaction.

"That's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you could get that hooker to do anything with the right amount of booger sugar, and lube." Katie says, making incredibly simplistic yet gross hand signals to further prove her point.

"Oh, I beg to differ. He's been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks, now." Charlotte retorts once again, turning her head to the following words.

"Breaking news!" The news staff spoke through the comms, causing the screens to change on all televisions outside of the station. On the inside, Charlotte was shoved off of the table, flying off into the distance.

"We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing Turf War! Let's go to the live feed!" Katie says optimistically, shifting the view to a feed of the Spider-Like Demon from earlier, blowing up egg demons and laughing happily.

". . .Wait, isn't that. . .?" Raikō mutters from the Radio-Hack, turning around with the rest of the other demons and seeing the same two demons from before, along with destroyed buildings and a ton of dead eggs.

Raiko simply looks with a disappointed expression across his face,  the light from occasional explosions gleaming off of his red eyes.

"Oh shit. . ." Charlotte deflates, as her claims had gone null, right in front of her eyes.

"Oh shit, indeed! It looks like the one who joined the battle is none other than-- GASP, porn actor Angel Dust! What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid right now! Haha, Ratings!" Katie taunts her, laughing with Tom as well.

In an attempt to cover the live feed, Charlotte stands up and tries to shield the green screen, unaware that it wasn't even on it.

"Looks like your little experiment is dead on arrival. Tell us, how does it feel to be such a total failure?" Katie asks, before laughing once again with the audience.

"Yeah, well. . .How does it feel that I have your pen?! BITCH!" Charlotte says as a comeback, snatching the pen from the desk. Hearing this, everyone went silent, either from shock, or total fear of what may come next. Tom ran like a pussy, but Charlotte stood there, watching as Katie entered her demon form and grabbed onto her.

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