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**Warning: bullying, mentions bullying, and mentions of drug use ahead. Reader discretion advised. Also, you guys are all gonna hate me even more

Just as usual, Willow awoke and reached over for her glasses. After putting them on, she sat up and looked at her scroll. 

No notifications, and it was about six thirty. 

Right on schedule so far. 

She stood up and stretched her back, causing a few pops to sound off, before she made her way into the bathroom. 

To her surprise, the door was closed, and the light was on. She retraced her steps to her parents' room but saw both of her dads were still asleep, leaving only one possible suspect to be awake.

Willow walked back to the bathroom door and knocked lightly. "Natalie, you in there?"

The sound of a toilet flushing could be heard. 

"O-One second, W-Willow..." Natalie replied before she could be heard heaving.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked,

Natalie coughed a few times. "N-Not great, but I'll be fine. Just... probably ate something I shouldn't have."

Willow stood back for a moment and waited. Inside, she heard Natalie dry heaving a bit more before throwing up, causing Willow to involuntarily gag. "D-Do you... need anything?"

"N-No, I just gotta... endure this for a... for a bit..." Natalie said in between heaves. "I-I'll... I'll be down in a few."

The plant witch waited beside the door for a few more minutes before she felt like she'd vomit herself from the sound. Covering her mouth, she ran to the kitchen and held her head over the sink. When she felt her stomach finally calm, she took a drink of water and sat at the table. A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened, and Natalie walked into the kitchen as well.

"Umm... morning!" Natalie said, trying to avoid the subject which was clearly on Willow's mind. 

"Morning," Willow replied a bit more seriously. "Do... I wanna know what that was about?"

Natalie sighed and sat down. "How do I explain this... Karma, I guess. Getting my just desserts for some... stuff I did back in the human world."

"Well if whatever you did made you that... sick, you wanna just take the day off from school? There's almost no penalty if I miss a day since I'm so ahead in all the classes I'm taking," Willow offered.

"Oh no, no, I can't ask you to do that," Natalie quickly answered. "Besides, the worst of it's over. Just a few aches to deal with for a bit, and I'll be fine."

Willow put her hand over Natalie's. "I'm serious. You shouldn't push yourself too far."

Natalie smiled and put her own hand over Willow's. "Thank you for the offer, but I am fine. Believe me, I have been way, way worse. In fact, I'm feeling better right now than I have in a couple weeks. I can handle a day of school."

"Well... if you're sure. But promise me you'll say something if you start feeling sick again," Willow told her.

"Of course, I owe you way more than that," Natalie replied with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Willow asked.

Natalie held out her arm and turned it over and over. "That stuff you gave me... it worked." She rubbed her forearm tenderly and laughed a little more. "The cuts... they're all gone. This is the longest I've gone without wearing my jacket in a year!"

Willow smiled as well and felt Natalie's arm and wrist as well. It was soft, smooth, devoid of any marks.

"I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for me," Natalie told her happily.

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