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Josh had about a thousand questions as Luz ushered him through alleyways and behind boxes. All he could guess was that Luz was being Luz, and while he was fine with that, he was still growing used to it again.

After a few more of what Luz claimed were shortcuts, they stopped in an alleyway. There were people walking by who would easily notice them if they were looking, but no one was actually looking as far as Josh knew.

"We should have enough time to catch our breath here for a bit," Luz said, sliding down against the wall. "We're about halfway to Hexside, but it's a lot more of a straight line from here."

Josh breathed in and out a few times while he nodded. "And we're hiding because..."

"Oh right," Luz replied. "Emperor's Coven guards. I don't know if I'm wanted now or something, but I kinda don't wanna find out the hard way. Warden Wrath really has it out for me ever since I froze him in place."

"I'm not sure what's weirder," Josh mused. "The fact that you're a potential criminal, or the fact that everything you just said is true."

"That doesn't, like, scare you or anything, does it? I-I mean, I understand if it does..." Luz asked.

"Oh no, it's fine. I actually kinda got in trouble with the law myself back home," Josh replied. "If anything, sneaking around like this is actually a little nostalgic. Only now, we, you know, actually have someone to hide from."

Luz chuckled a little before remembering the other thing she wanted to ask. "I'm a little afraid to bring this up, but I feel like I have to..."

"Let me guess, the kiss?" Josh assumed.

All Luz could do was nod. The fact that Josh knew what she wanted to talk about could've been either really good or really bad.

Josh sat down and simply looked at Luz. "What do you wanna know?"

"I... I know you didn't feel anything, but... I don't know if I did or not," Luz explained. "A-And I'm afraid that if I did, and I start getting... feelings..."

"I'll have no choice but to let you down," Josh finished for her.

There it was again. Josh knew what she was afraid of thinking and said it so casually. Once again, all Luz could do was nod.

"First of all, I never said I didn't feel anything, I just said it wasn't a good idea if we hooked up," Josh clarified. 

"I know, but it's just... every time I get feelings like this for someone, it never ends well," Luz told him. "It's either I get shot down hard, or I get pranked or something! I'm not trying to make you feel guilty or that you have to-"

"Luz, look at me," Josh interrupted.

Luz hadn't noticed before, but she wasn't even looking at Josh. She was looking down at her hands. She took a deep breath and looked up at him.

He used a thumb to wipe away a small tear she hadn't even known was there. He then leaned back again and smiled.

"I'm not gonna lie to you. It was a good kiss, and you're a really nice girl, but I just don't have those kind of feelings for you," he told her honestly. "But I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

"It's not your fault," Luz replied. "And thanks for being honest with me. I... I thought it was a good kiss too."

"You wanna do it again, don't you?" Josh said with a slight smirk.

Despite what Josh just told her, Luz felt herself blush. Josh must've seen too because he stifled a laugh. 

"W-Well... How am I even supposed to answer that?!" Luz asked.

Legacy: An Owl House storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora