Unfinished Business

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TW: Drug use ahead, reader discretion advised

Also, yes, I'm uploading at fucking midnight, sue me

"So there's something I read in a book that I've always wanted to try," Luz said as she, Willow, Gus, and Natalie walked through the town. "It's gonna sound a little weird at first, but trust me."

"Can anything we do even begin to qualify as normal?" Willow joked. "Honestly, it'd be concerning if you didn't wanna do something potentially weird."

"Great! Only problem is, we need a tire, and I have no idea where to get one," Luz told everyone. 

"Question! What's a tire?" Gus asked.

About fifteen minutes later, the four of them were pushing a big, black, rubber tire up a hill.

"Oh... this... is a tire," Gus said between breaths.

"I still can't believe we just found this laying around," Natalie mused. "I've yet to see anything that uses rubber here."

"I... just hope whatever you have planned... is as fun as you say it is," Willow said as they got to the top. She and Gus fell to the ground, trying to catch their breath. 

"Well... if I'm not mistaken, I'm assuming one of us gets inside that thing and rolls down that hill?" Natalie guessed.

"Yeah... I... didn't think this through all the way," Luz panted, her hands on her knees. "We... probably could've done this... on flat ground."

After taking a second to catch their breath, everyone stood up and looked down the hill.

"So... who goes first?" Gus asked.

"Not it!" everyone but him declared in unison.

He sighed and put his hands on his stomach. "Alright, breaky, you were good on the way down, but it's time to come back up." 

Luz and Natalie stood the tire up as Gus bent down and got inside the tire. Once he was situated, he gave a nervous thumbs up. 

"Now, whatever you do, don't stop screaming," Natalie told him.

Gus's eyes went wide with horror as he looked at her. "What? Why?"

"It gives people a heads up that you're rolling through," she replied.

Luz  got in position to push the tire down the hill. "You ready, Gus?"

"Um..." he started.

"Three! Two!" the girls shouted as they prepared to push the tire.

"Wait!" Gus yelled desperately.


With their combined strength, the girls pushed the tire as hard as they could down the hill, causing Gus to let out a long, drawn out yell.

As he continued to pick up speed and his yell got more distant, Willow tilted her head.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"...This is awesome!" Gus could be heard as he kept rolling through town.

"Never mind," Willow relented.

The three of them continued to stand there as people jumped out of Gus's way. Somehow, without the ability to control his direction, Gus avoid hitting any walls and kept going.

"You know... one of us should probably go get him," Natalie thought out loud.

"Yeah, he's... really going," Luz agreed. "Like... fast!"

Legacy: An Owl House storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang