The human way

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"So, uh, Jenny, what kind of things do you do in your spare time?" Luz asked awkwardly. She'd been paired up with a girl named Jennifer Taft. The tour of the school had long since been completed, so the two were now just trying to socialize.

Jenny, who had a light brown ponytail, light green eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a dark purple jacket, shrugged. "Not much. Just listening to music, doing homework, reading, going to school, oh! And I also tutor younger kids!"

"That... sounds like more than just 'not much' to me," Luz replied. "So... What... kind of music do you listen to?"

"Can I ask why you're having so much trouble carrying a normal conversation with me?" Jenny asked instead.

Luz backed away and put her hands up defensively. "What? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm great at talking to people!"

Jenny rolled her eyes and smirked. "Right, because 'what kind of music do I listen to,' punk, by the way, is a completely normal question and not something to say when you're out of good questions. Do you, like, have anxiety?"

"No, I don't have anxiety," Luz assured quickly. "I'm fine, there's nothing wrong."

"Then can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your experiences here on the Boiling Isles?" Jenny asked. "I mean, we have at least three things in common. We're human, we're girls, and we're teenagers."

"Yeah... humans... nothing new for me..." Luz quietly agreed.

Jenny sighed and stood up. "Can you at least settle a bet for me?"

"Um, sure!" Luz answered.

"Great! So my friend Chad insists that since you're the only human here that wasn't a part of that huge... whatever it was that brought us here, that you're some sort of human-witch hybrid, but I think you'd have to be born here for that to be possible," Jenny explained.

"Well, I wasn't born here, and I'm pretty sure I'm completely human, but I do know how to do a little bit of magic," Luz answered. 

"Wait, really?" Jenny asked in disbelief. "That sounds so cool! Can I see?"

"A-Alright," Luz agreed. She pulled out her notepad and chose a light glyph. "This one's not as impressive as it used to be, but it's the first spell I learned."

Luz put the glyph on the floor as Jenny pulled out her phone and started filming. She tapped the glyph, and the paper crumbled up and turned into a bright ball of light.

"Woah! And that's your worst spell?" Jenny asked as the light faded.

Luz blinked a few times. Jenny's reaction was normal all things considered, but it still felt good to know that she was actually impressing another human. 

"I-I mean, in terms of being effective in real life, I guess, but I'd say it depends on the situation," Luz explained. "Like, it's a lot of help at night when I can't see where I'm going."

"That's really cool," Jenny complimented.

As far back as she looked, Luz couldn't really think of a time when she'd been complimented like that by another human unless it was her mother. And this was a complete stranger. Her last interaction with a human on Earth had resulted in her going to the principal's office and got her sent to a horrible summer camp. Now, someone she'd literally just met was telling her that something only she was able to do was cool.

It felt good to say the least. 

But at the same time, she knew Jenny wasn't actually complimenting her. She was complimenting her magic, something she knew literally any other human could do. She'd just so happened to be the first.

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