Lesson to be Learned

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Kisuke smirked arrogantly as Kakashi and Piccolo battle it out ignoring him. Just as he was getting confident they'd ignore him until their battle ended Piccolo fired a ki blast right at him. The shopkeeper jumped down in front of the other two combatants with a chuckle. "Here I was thinking you were ignoring little old me," he said wielding his zanpakuto. Kakashi and Piccolo looked at each other nodding in agreement to take this fool out. Kakashi charged at Kisuke from the front while Piccolo begin to charge a special beam cannon. The copy ninja released a multitude of strikes knowing they'd miss,but still wanting to keep Urahara on his toes. "Got you," Kakashi said delivering a palm strike right to the nose of Urahara causing him to stumble back. A small chuckle escaped from the shopkeeper as he turned quickly using his kyūjūrokkei kakafūmetsu sealing Kakashi. "You fell for one of my oldest tricks," Kakashi said behind Urahara now as his substitution jutsu caused the other to turn into a log. Urahara chuckled as he went to headbutt Kakashi causing him to stumble back. Kisuke begin slashing away with his zanpakuto making sure none of his blows were lethal enough to kill. Kakashi begin to dodge the sword slashed to the best of his ability. "KAKASHI NOW!" Piccolo yelled at as Kakashi grabbed Kisuke in a full Nelson hold. "SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!" Piccolo yelled firing the blast right at the two. Kakashi chuckled as he kicked Urahara forward jumping out of the way. The blast hit Urahara head on launching him what would've been halfway across the field if not all the way,before Kakashi kicked him back towards Piccolo. Piccolo launched a extended arm around Kisuke tossing him up in the air. "NOW!" Piccolo yelled as Kakashi using the land to his advantage jumped in the air hitting Urahara with a lighting blade. The hit was powerful enough to send Urahara directly towards the very edge of the arena. Piccolo chuckled walking towards the downed opponent who chuckled as he raised to his hands and knees. "You all may be good,but I'm Kisuke Urahara," he said as he quickly took his zanpakuto and slashed Piccolo from head to toe. The cut wasn't deep enough to directly kill just render Piccolo useless for the time being. Kakashi taking advantage of the opportunity delivered a flying drop kick to Piccolo's back sending him off the arena. Piccolo had been eliminated which was officially declared when Zeno pushed the button announcing it. Beerus chuckled "I'll admit those two the namekian fought are very intelligent," he said smirking. Kisuke raised to his feet chuckling as Kakashi stood up as well. Both men begin to walk in a circular motion looking right at each other. "Go," Kakashi said as they both charged towards each other. Kisuke's zanpakuto clashed with Kakashi's kunai knife causing both to chuckle. Kakashi ducked down going to sweep the leg which Kisuke jumped over back flipping out of the way. "I haven't moved like that in ages," the shopkeeper said laughing a bit. "Dodge this," Kakashi said making a fire styles hand signal,and firing the huge wave of fire at Urahara. Urahara used one of his many hado techniques to block the fire from connecting. "You know team dragon and your team are the favorite to win," Kisuke said with arrogant smirk. Kakashi chuckled "My team is a favorite because we don't give up," he said charging towards the former captain. Kakashi jumped over Kisuke's head who predicted the move sticking his zanpakuto in the air. The blade cut Kakashi's left arm pretty bad causing it to be rendered useless for now. "Nasty cut," Kisuke said as he used his special hado to seal Kakashi once again. Kakashi groaned as he struggled to break free from the hado he was trapped in. Kisuke walked up to him looking closely at his eye. "Hmm that eye could've been a real problem," Kisuke said with a chuckle looking down at the ground. Kakashi begin to laugh a bit as well "It still is," he said as he turned into a log once again. The real Kakashi put his kunai blade up against Kisuke's throat causing him to look up. "We are going to walk over to the edge,and you will proceed to jump off," Kakashi said leading Urahara over to the edge. "Time to see if my thought was correct," Kakashi said as he released Kisuke at the very edge waiting for him to jump off. "Sorry pal I can't," Kisuke said smirking as he ducked down going to slash Kakashi's legs. Almost by instinct Kakashi jumped over the blade,and delivered a boot to Kisuke's head launching him off the battlefield. Might Guy laughed a bit "Exactly what I expect from my rival," he said giving Kakashi a thumbs up. Kakashi panted heavily as the battle took a lot out of him. Luckily for Kakashi his team only had Gaara eliminated while others had two or more out. "Kisuke Urahara from team soul has been eliminated," the speaker announced causing Ichigo to be shocked enough he dropped his blade. Kakashi chuckled as he sat down to take a much needed break.

-The End-

Kakashi has done it! Successfully eliminating Piccolo and Kisuke Urahara.


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