Chapter 1: You Never Said Forever Would Ever Hurt Like This

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"Kei? Kei can you hear me?" A fait voice says

I open my eyes to a blur. I can only see a peach blob above me.

"Aunt Melody? Is that you?" I ask weakly

"Yes sweetie." She confirms

Wait...I'm not at my house or in my bed. What's going on? I'm hooked up to a bunch of wires and machines. There is an IV in my arm. I need answers.

"Where am I?" I ask

"In the hospital my love. You-you're okay now don't worry." She assures me gasping my hand

What is she taking about?

"What do mean? What happened? Where's my mom and dad? Am I even in Jersey anymore?" I ask frantically searching for answers

The beats on the heart meter speed up. I start to panic more. What's going on I'm beyond confused!?

"Calm down Kei please! Don't stress yourself I want you out of here as fast as possible." She warns me

I sigh and take a deep breath. She's right. I want to get out of here as fast as possible because I hate hospitals.

"Okay fine. Where are my parents though?" I ask more calm

"Well...." She trails

Oh no, when aunt Melody does that it means something bad has happened. I might as well prepare for the worst. My parents are probably dead. It will explain why I'm in the hospital and have a sharp pain in my side.

"They-they're dead Kei. I'm so sorry." She sighs with a single tear streaming down her face

I knew it.

"How?" I ask showing little emotion

I am sad that my parents died but I can't show it. I must show the world I am strong. I may not cry on the outside but I'm crying on the inside.

"Car accident. You guys got hit by a tractor-trailer. You where the only one to make it." She informs me

I nod. Now what's going to happen to me? My dad's family lives in Japan and the rest of my moms family lives in Ohio. They hate me so none of them are going to take me in. I don't want to live in foster care! I won't I just won't! I'll kill myself rather than go through the horrors of foster care.

"You're going to stay with me for now on Kei. Is that okay?" She ask in concern

"Yes, yes it's fine." I sigh

Well looks like I'll have to start over. New school, new home, new life,

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