Chapter 2: Ashley

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Wow. Ohio is so much different from Jersey. There is a lot more space but much less people. But thats most likely because Aunt Melody lives in a small town. Since I will be living with her and my cousin Louisane, I'll be going to school here as well. I'm kind of nervous. I mean all these new people, they might make fun of my glasses and my fashion sense like when I lived in Jersey. And the worst part is Louisane is in the 12th grade so she can't show me around the 11th grade. I guess I'll have to find some one to help me out.

-At Morrison High School-

This is a big school. For a small town there sure are a lot of kids here. The hallways are packed with my hormonal peers gossiping about boys and parties. To be a teenager.

"Kei, go to the office to get your schedule and you'll figure it out from there trust me." She smiles

"Oh, okay thanks." I thank her quietly

"No prob. I'll see you on the bus Kei?" She waves before disappearing into the crowd of people I'm the hallway

"Fuck." I whisper to myself as I open the door to the main office

The lady is talking to a parent about nothing at all emphasize nothing. I hate when people do that. You're supposed to be doing your job right now Ms. Secretary. There are people who actually need your assistance and you're wasting their time. The lady finally leaves. Good, now I can get my damn schedule and get on with my day.

"How may I help you young lady?" She ask pleasantly

"I'm new here I need my schedule." I tell her flatly

"Oh okay. Name please?" She ask with a way too obvious fake smile

"Keiko Hugisara." I say

"Okay. I'll get that for you right now." She says as I can hear the printer running and two sheets of paper flowing out of it

"Here you go Ms. Hugisara. Have a nice first day." She says with a wide smile

"Yeah thanks..." I sigh looking at my a schedule

Looks like I have 1st period Language Arts, 2nd period Math, 3rd period History, 4th period science and my electives Orchestra and Art. Doesn't seem that bad. Maybe it isn't as bad as I think it'll be. I hear the first bell ring. Damn, I better hurry up. I make my way to the 11th grade hall. I search through the array of blue and green lockers and find locker 397. I turn my combination lock, 31, 11, 02 and stuff all the things I don't need in my locker. I grab my bookbag and make my way to room 406, AC Language Arts. I walk in and see a young teacher with a brunette bun and a black dress with a floral top. She was writing something on the board about Hamlet before I walked in.

"You must be the new girl, Keiko is it?" She ask with a bright smile

I nod and fake a smile. I hear a few girls laugh at me in the corner of the classroom. I haven't even been here 5 minutes and I'm already getting made fun of. Good going Keiko becoming unpopular already.

"Well we'll have to find you a seat. Any takers?" She ask the class

"Ooh me! Pick me! Me! Over here Ashley!!!" A...girl...boy...person frantically waves

"Anybody else?" Mrs. Revior sighs pinching the bridge of her nose

"I hate to do this honey but I'm going to have to put you next to Ashley." She frowns

Ashely seems like a very...energetic person. I put my things down under my desk and pull out my purple pen and spiral notebook. I try to get on track with the rest of the class's discussion on Shakespearean literature.

"Hey, hi my name is Ashley." The crazy person sitting next to me whispers with a smile

"Oh, hi Ashley." I sigh slightly annoyed by this person's disturbances

"I like your style. But I can help you out though you're never going to get with any of the cute boys looking like that." Ashley says running her/his hands through my hair

"Ashley how many times have I told you young men shouldn't grope women's hair!" Mrs. Revoir scolds him

Ohh it's a boy. A very girly boy. With the name Ashley. How strange.

"You've actually told me 3 times." Ashley informs her

"That's 3 times too many. Stop invading this young lady's personal space." She warns him

"Okay you crusty old woman." He whispers to himself

"Do you want to get kicked out today?" She ask him pointing to the door

"No I'm good." He says with a little but of sass in his voice

"That's what I thought. Now, back to copying your notes." She tells the class

"She's salty because she wishes she had my beauty." Ashley scoffs

"I don't think that's the case." I tell him

"Are you jelly too?" He ask with a wide grin

"I don't think so." I chuckle back

What a ridiculous human. But I think this Ashley entity is growing on me. I mean he is a bit of a sass monster, but he reminds me of my old friend Lyle. I miss him. He was so flamboyantly fabulous in every way. He was the only person who wasn't mean to me when I was at Kingston High. Now I'm here all alone with no friends besides this psychopath next to me. But maybe Ashely isn't that bad. I'll give him a chance.

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