Chapter 4: Attack On Titan Just Brings People Together

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"They are...our sworn enemies." Ashley says in an angry tone

"But why?" I ask more intrigued

"Because Ashley secretly has a crush on Andy but doesn't want to admit it." Kellin says stuffing his face with cheese pizza

"Not true! Keiko don't listen to Kellin he's got issues." Ashley laughs nervously

"No actually what happened was-" CC begins to say before stoping as Ashley shushes him violently

"Look Keiko, the only thing you need to know is that you don't go near them. They are major asses. The biggest one being that hell spawn Andy." Ashley says flipping his long black hair and looking down at his lunch plate

"Okay..." I sigh looking down at my lunch plate as well

This food looks pretty good. Not shitty or cardboard-y like the food they gave us at my old school.

"So, Keiko, how do you like Morrison so far?" Ray ask politely with a friendly smile

"Well, it's better than Jersey." I mumble

"You're from Jersey too?" Ray ask with a twinkle in his eye

I nod and he smiles.

"Gerard and I are from Jersey too. So we know they struggles of a Jersey kid." He says with an assuring smile

I nod and lightly smile back. He's sweet. I like him. He's confident, well-mannered, respectful and reliable. But his friend over there is just...

"Gerard code red!" Ashley shouts trying to get his attention

"God dammit!" He whispers to himself as he sighs and looks at me

"Hey, pretend like we're talking about something important." He says glancing to his side

"Why? What's going on?" I ask in a daze totally distracted by his wonderful majesticness

"No time to explain just play along!" He replies putting his hands on my shoulders and gripping them tightly

I nod and pick up the Revolver magazine Ashley has and start flipping through it until I find a article about Slipknot.

A girl with bleach blonde hair put in a pony tail, bright red lipstick, a plaid skirt and a t-shirt with a picture of Joan Jett on it walks up next to Gerard's seat.

"Help me..." He whispers as the girl leans down so she can speak clearly enough

"Hey stud," She says seductively into his ear, "How're you doing today?"

"I'm fine but I'm kinda busy at the moment..." He trails off

"Really? With what?" She ask clearly not convinced by his excuse

"Umm...I was talking to my new friend Keiko about..." He looks at me for help

"Slipknot. Good old Slipknot." I nod showing her the article

"Oh I love them! Gee we have so much in common we are just meant to be!" She giggles excitedly

"Yeah sure...ya know it's getting kinda late and I want to finish lunch..." He lies still trying to get her to leave

"Well okay sugar. I'll see you soon. And don't forget I'm TOTALLY available right now so if you ever want some Lindsay..." She smiles devilishly

"Okay great I'll look into restraining orders soon." He says to himself as she walks away to the "rival" table or so it is called

"Dude!!! You totally blow off one of the hottest girls in school every single fucking day!" Ashley tells him frustratedly

"I'm not interested in what Lindsay has to offer," Gerard scoffs somewhat snootily as he takes a bite of his peanut butter sandwich, "Plus she's a rival."

"Who gives a damn?!" Jake, CC, Kellin, Ashley and Tre yell in unison

Maybe Ashley isn't gay after all. Maybe he's just a really sassy straight guy.

"I do." Ray speaks up

"Well you're cool and wholesome guy so of course it matters to you princess frofro." CC scoffs in a joking way

"Ugh, I told you guys I hate that nickname." Ray groans

"You know you love it RayRay." Jake coos

"Whatever you guys are insane." Ray says rolling his eyes

"But back to Gerard, I personally think thy he doesn't like Lindsay because he's got the hots for...the one...the only...Frank Iero!" Kellin gasp dramatically

"W-what!? N-no that's not true! We're just friends nothing more than that!" Gerard denies turning as red as a tomato

Oh my god he's so cute when he's embarrassed. I can't help but giggle at the situation. They're so ridiculous.

"Oh really? Do we need to talk about 'the party' ?" Kellin smirks

"No, no we do not." Gerard growls

"That's what I thought...Mrs.Iero." Kellin smirks and the others burst out into laughter

Gerard just shakes his head in shame and embarrassment. Poor baby. I just want to kiss him and make it all better. But this is a public situation and I have to do what people do in them, which sucks by the way. But, I digress. Gerard looks at me with his beautiful hazel eyes. My god...this boy is going to be the death of me. He's so pretty I want to cry.

"They're so mean." He says quietly

"It's okay I'm here for you." I say with a light smile

My stomach just sinks. Did I just talk to him? What did I even say? Oh no did I say something stupid!?

Gerard just smiles back and his eyes lock on my pants. Is he looking at me in a pervy way? I like him but...

"Is Attack On Titan wallet?" He ask,his eyes motioning to my wallet

Oh that's what he was looking at.

"Yeah my cousin Louisane got it for we last weekend." I explain smiling as I pull the wallet out of my pocket

"That's so cool. Where'd you get it from?" He ask

"HotTopic." I reply simply

"Awesome I work there Wednesday through Saturday. You should stop there sometime soon I'll hook you up." He winks

"Oh okay." I smile nervously

He's talking to me. He's really talking to me! I never knew Attack On Titan would bring people together like this. It's so beautiful, just like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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