Chapter 3: The Lunch Table of Misfit Teens

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2 periods with Ashley. I've spent 2 damn periods with Ashley. I can't believe I have him for 4 classes. Thank satan that he's not in my electives or I would seriously lose it. Never have I heard a person talk so much. Constantly yapping on and on about nothing. Hint nothing. I just wish I could tape his mouth shut so he couldn't talk. But I digress, since he's the only person guiding me through this school. So I should be somewhat happy that Ashley Purdy has entered my life. For better or for worst.

-Time lapse-

The lunch bell finally rings. Yes! I've been starving.

"Keiko! Keiko! I need to tell you something!" Ashley pants running toward me

"Holy shit! Calm down and just tell me!" I say grabbing the overly exited boy and giving him a few reality shakes

"God damn girl. I'm just happy to see you. We should call you killjoy Keiko. You could hang out with the Party Poison Gerard. You guys would so get along." Ashley scoffs rolling his eyes

"First, who is 'we' and second Party Poison? I don't get it?" I ask honestly confused by Ashley's words

"Well honey, 'we' is my friends. You're going to sit with us at lunch. And we call Geebear Party Poison because when ever we take him to a party he ruins it by being a buzzkill." Ashley informs me

Dislikes parties? Sounds like my kind of guy. Maybe Gerard and I will get along.
But I'll have to meet him first. Who knows what kind of people Ashley hangs out with? I can't even imagine and probably don't want to.

Ashley walks me into the exceptionally loud cafeteria. I spot from the corner of my eye a boy with big black hair with blonde steaks in it. He's wearing a Batman tank top and tight leather skinny jeans. He stops and looks at me. A light smirk forms on his face as he looks at me. What's his problem? He's either laughing at me or he thinks I look good. It can't possibly be the ladder because I'm too ugly. But he can't be laughing at me because we have the same fashion sense. Hmmm...strange.

"Keiko what are you doing?" Ashley ask waiving his hands in front of my face

"I think this guy was staring at me." I tell him snapping back into reality

"Really? Who? Maybe I know him." Ashley ask

"That guy right there." I say pointing to a table in the middle of the lunchroom with a group of people wearing only black and graphic/band tees that they probably got from Hottopic

"Oh him! Stay far away from him Keiko, he's a major dick. Plus we don't get along. Like at all." Ashley warns me

"But don't you like dicks?" I smirk

"I like to keep people wondering what I am. So I'm just going to say probably." He smiles

Mysterious. I'll eventually crack him. Besides he's going to tell me someday anyway since he loves to talk so fucking much.

"Over here Keiko! This is our table!" Ashley yells from all the way in middle/back of the cafeteria

I nod and give him a thumbs up. I wait in the lunch line so I can get my pizza. I swear that these people are slower than fucking zombies. All you have to do is get your lunch, put in your school number and get back to your damn seat. That shouldn't take a lot of time. But It must for these people.

I finally get my Pizza and my water bottle and make my way to the table that Ashley told me to sit at. I find a seat next to a boy with a sketch pad and colored pencils scattered around his area and a boy with brown hair that curved in the front and heavy eyeliner on.

"Hey guys, this is that sailor moon girl I was talking about." Ashley tells his friends

Rude. Not all Japanese girls look like sailor moon. And even If I were to look like one of the sailor planets I would be more of a sailor Mars.

"Oh, you're that person. Hi I'm Kellin." The guy sitting across from me smiles

He looks pretty decent. Maybe we'll get along.

"Guys stop being rude and introduce yourselves to Keiko." Ashley tells them

"Oh, okay then. Well, I'm Jake and that's Christian." The guy sitting next to Ashley says motioning to the person sitting next to him

"I prefer CC. And Jake knows that." CC says glaring at Jake

I don't know what that was about. Friend problems maybe???

"My name is Ray. Ray Toro. If you ever have a problem I'll be happy to fix it." The boy with a light brown Afro smiles

He seems nice. But I'm really interested in Mr. Quiet next to me. He's cute. Very cute. And very talented.

"Ahem, Gerard. Say something!" Ray says to him snapping him back to reality

"Oh, okay. Hi I'm Gerard." He says shyly

Aww. He's shy. I just want to hug him. He reminds me of a puppy. I don't know why but he does.

"And I'm Frank. But you can call me Tre. Everyone calls me Tre." He says in a flirty tone

"Tre be decent she's a lady!" Kellin scolds him

"I'm just being nice Kellin chill your panties." Tre smirks

"You're being a flirt. Haven't you been with enough girls this year?" Kellin sighs

"No. I've only been with 3 girls this year for your information Mr. Kellin Quinn." Tre corrects him

Well, looks like I've found my new friends. At the lunch table of misfit teens.

"Hey guys," I ask

"Yes Sailor Moon?" Ashley responds with a devilish grin

"Actually she's more of a Sailor Mars appearance wise." Gerard says softly

"Oh thanks for the correction Mr. Comics." Ashley scoffs

"Sailor Moon is a manga. Manga and comics are two different things Ashley." Gerard informs him

I want to marry him right now. He's all about comics and manga, what else could I ask for? If he is into Star Wars I'm going to propose to him right then and there.

"Just be quiet. I'm trying to see what Keiko wants." Ashley whines

"Okay. I just wanted to ask who those people are." I ask him pointing to the table were the mystery boy is sitting

"Oh them..."

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