26 || I'll Be Back. Soon.

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Tasha shivered as the breeze swept past us, blowing the soft, black tendrils away from her angelic face. "Thank you so much for this, Harper. We really needed it."

I smiled, wrapping my coat more snugly around me. "Thank Jared. He was really the one who suggested it."

"It" being a day out for the four of us: Tasha, Tallulah, Jared and me. We figured Tallulah could use it; she'd have to get out of the villa someday and face the world again. I'd thought the Willow Park was a fine place for just relaxing. It wasn't exactly a park for kids, so thankfully there were no joyous screams piercing the otherwise cool and relaxing air. This was a famous spot for many joggers, and young couples. It was serene, and calm. Exactly what Tallulah needed right now.

"She really liked Dr. Sandhurst, you know." I followed Tasha's gaze. She was staring at Jared and Tallulah who were both seated at a bench, heads close, murmuring together, looking very much like a young couple themselves. "He helped her get so much better. It's why it's just so hard for her to get over this."

"I know, it's understandable," I said, watching how Jared was listening intently to Tallulah. Listening to see if she'd found out. Cracked the significance of her last, horrible therapy session. Smoothly talking to her gullible face, gently easing her away from the last words of Dr. Sandhurst. It was why I'd automatically paired off with Tasha once we'd gotten out the car; I knew his need to speak to Tallulah was greater than mine.

"I feel like this is just going to take her back to the start," said Tasha, sighing in distress. "And I can't imagine what to do. Finding her another therapist...it's just—what if she thinks the same thing would happen again? And what therapist would agree to take her on as a patient once they hear what happened to Dr. Sandhurst?"

I looked into her blue eyes and not even the stone-cold indifference in me could stop the guilt and anguish I felt, at what I knew and what she didn't.

She went on, her face so heartbreakingly innocent and beseeching. "It's just so crazy, it's something I never thought possible. That's what Dianne says too, I mean she's like she's never heard of someone ever shooting a therapist in the middle of a session—"

Then Dianne has obviously never seen—um, never seen—

Fuck. What was that movie where the therapist got shot again?

"—and it's just so horrible. I can't see how she's going to get through this, Harper. I just can't." Her eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to overflow. "I just can't."

I wondered if she was talking about Tallulah moving on, or herself. Or Elaine. Or Philip.

He hates himself, you know, were the words I wished I could tell her. The person who did this you, absolutely hates himself for doing it, but he just had to. I wish I could tell you that, and I also wish I could tell you how much you love him. But I can't. Because if you think you've hit rock-bottom now, it'll be nothing compared to how you'd feel once I tell you what I know, once I tell you who he is; once I tell you he's right over there, sitting next to your sister.

I reached out and clasped her hand. For once, due to the chilling wind, it was cold, like mine. "Tasha, she doesn't need another therapist. Right now, she needs you, Elaine and Philip." I swallowed the knot in my throat. "And Jared. Look, back then, it was hard for you to be there for her, you had problems of your own, she was recovering from a coma and your mother was hospitalized too. She had to search for a source of comfort outside her family. But now...I'm guessing, after you told me, some of the burden has been lifted off your chest?"

She gave me a watery smile in response, nodding rapidly.

I squeezed her hand. "You're not a coward, Tasha. You're far from it. You're strong. You can be strong for Tallulah. And your family's closer than ever now, because of this. Tragedy doesn't drive you apart, it brings you closer. You're in a much better place now, rid of all that stupid guilt and shame you've been feeling—" she let out a reluctant chuckle, "and now Elaine is also much better. You all can do this; you can be there for Tallulah. That's all she needs." I looked over at Tallulah, who was laying her head on Jared's shoulder, as they stared off into the sky. "That's all she'll ever need."

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