Chapter 2

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With a sigh Calum sets his phone down and begins to look through the fridge for something to eat. He settles on a water bottle and closes the fridge door before turning to the counter to get an apple but he nearly drops it as his phone dings once again

New Kik Message

Calum tries to stop the jittery feeling that starts to creep up his chest. He really didn't really expect a reply maybe a thank you but he definitely not this.

Michael_Cliff: Well you're cute ;) So whats up?

Calum places his cold hands over his cheeks to reduce the heat he felt coming up. Did this boy really think he was cute? Calum smiles and picked up his phone to start typing although he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being set up.


Michael paced his dimly lit room. Was he bummed Harry gave him a fake kik sure but this Calum was cute and seemed nice so it wasn't all bad. He cursed at himself under his breathe for not realizing that Harry's "kik" didn't even have harry's name in it.  He was pulled out of his thoughts when his phone dinged.

New Kik Message!

coolguycal: aw well thanks :) Sorry about fake kik situation. and nothing much honestly i just got home from school :) what are you doing?

Michaels heart raced as he read the message. Was this guy even gay? he didn't seem to be upset at Michael's flirting. He sighed sitting down in his gaming chair with his thumbs hovering over his phones keyboard. What did he even want to say back? should he still try and flirt?

Michael_Cliff: Dont worry about it it's okay. I did get to meet you so i'm pretty happy ;) What grade are you in? Im a Junior and i hate every second of it hahah. I'm not doing much either I also just got home.

As Michael waits for a reply he starts up his computer and logs in. He looks over some stats on his game before picking his phone back up. He clicks on Calums picture once again. He thinks he knows the one guy in the back. He can't think of his name though. Logan, Liam, Luke? Something with an L. All Michael knows it that he goes to the other school in town so he also assumes Calum goes there. He glares up and notices that it's been about 13 minutes since he messaged Calum. Worry begins to set in. Maybe he scared him off or made him uncomfortable? Michael set his phone down leaning back into the chair and running his clammy hands through his vibrant hair. He returns to his computer trying to take his mind off it the passing time. Just as the blue haired boy finished his game his phone lit up.

coolguycal: I'm sorry! i didn't hear my phone go off! I'm a Junior as well. Also i'm nothing special you might have been better off messaging the other guy! haha you're cute though :) thanks for all the compliments ;)

Michael giggled feeling relief flush through his system. At least he flirting back that's a good sign right?

Michael_Cliff: you're fine :) also don't be so hard on yourself you seem amazing :)

Michael thought for a second before sending another text.

Michael_Cliff: wanna hear a pick up line?

Before Michael could even set his phone down Calum responded.

coolguycal: of course!

Michael_Cliff: let's play titanic. You be the iceberg and i'll go down.

Michael smirked as he hit send. again almost immediately Calum responded

coolguycal: oh my god you're terrible xD

Michael_Cliff: thank you sir i try ;)


Calum chuckled at his screen. Him and Michael have been sending the worst pickup lines at each other and Calum was enjoying it. It was nice to talk to someone other than Luke especially cause he feels like he annoys Luke most of the time anyway.

Calum then yawned causing him to wince in pain. He sighed. He would have to go to school tomorrow and have to face his bullies. He checks his phone to see what time it was and gets a message back from michael.

Michael_Cliff: Imma head to bed. it's been a long day. I'll message you tomorrow. Goodnight Calum :)

coolguycal: Yeah, i'm about to go to bed as well. i'll talk you tomorrow Michael :) have a great night

Calum climbs in to bed, shooting Luke a quick text before plugging his phone in. Calum laid down and smiled only to have it replaced with a frown when he remembered he'd have to head to school tomorrow and be around people who hated him.

Heeyyyy bebesss!!¡¡!! Okey so like umm haha i have no words.
Okay a few things
1.) How are you liking this story??
4.) i looovvee yyoouu guuyyss!! okeeyyy byeee!!!


p.s it was harry not ashton :-)


gosh i was SOOO cringey

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