Chapter 8

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Random pic. of cal haha

Michael's brain hurt from over thinking so he decided to sleep. That was getting him no where though. He had its feeling he couldn't explain but it had him worried.


"Hey fag" Calum's dad slurred. "H-how'd you f-find me?" Calum asked tears already pouring down his face. Calum's dad just laughed and pushed Calum against the wall slamming the door shut. "P-please
d-dont hurt me" Calum cried out in fear.
Calum's dad laugh bitterly slapping him across the face. "You deserve pain fag your the reason your mom left me" He said shoving Cal father into the wall. Calum cried out on pain. Calum wanted to scream No mom left because your a sick Ass hole. But he didn't he knew that it was better to remain silent. "So now you want talk.. fcking faggot" His dad said kneeing him in the chest and spitting as he walked out the door. Calum just cried as he lie there on the floor. He heard his phone ring but he couldn't move. His whole body was screaming. So he sat still besides the sobs racking through his body

Michael put his phone down with a sigh. He doesn't know what to do. He has super strong feelings for Calum. He may not love Calum well not yet anyway but he really really really likes him. He likes how Calum smiles when he listens to music and how Calum is super shy. Michael can't help but smile at the thoughts. Michael turns off his light and lays down. He smiles and slowly drifts off to sleep while Calum still lay crying...

This sucks
I suck
Michael sucks
Idek anymore..

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