Chapter 3: Dorian

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"Aaaaah!" I put my hands up in front of me and tried to shove away the staring, black eyes... which were about two inches away from my own.

"What the hell are you doing?" he half shouted, half growled.

"Shoving you away! Geez! Is it really necessary to be that close?"

"I couldn't resist, you smell delicious." he whispered roughly, eyes burning with sincerity.

"Oh God, you're not seriously hitting on me are you?"

He snorted, "Don't flatter yourself darling, I was talking about your blood."

I scowled at him, "Don't call me that. I have a name, use it."

He rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically, "I would if I knew what it was."

"Gabrielle. My name is Gabrielle."

"Gabrielle?" he scoffed, "As in the angel?"

I narrowed my eyes, "As in my mother."

He mouthed, "Ah," and continued rocking. After a long silence I blurted out,

"What's your name?"

He looked up sharply and smirked, "That would be telling."

"Are you kidding? You're a sadistic vampire who chased me for his own sick entertainment, broke who knows how many of my bones and mocked my name, and you don't even have the common courtesy to give me your name?" I said sarcastically, watching as his face turned sour.

"Don't you lecture me about manners, I was a gentleman when your parents where just thoughts in their grandparents heads!"

I flinched, that had hit a nerve.

"I don't have any parents," I muttered. I saw his questioning glance and continued with a sigh, "My parents died in a car crash when I was four. I was the only survivor." I felt my head drop and tears burn my eyes, but I refused to cry in front of him again. Not tonight.


I lifted my head, ignoring the pulling in the back of my neck, and looked at him curiously,

"My name is Dorian," he rolled his eyes, "Nice to meet you."

I allowed a wry smile before focusing on the floor again.

"What are you going to do with me Dorian?"

"I don't know, you're no fun when you're playing Braveheart."

I chuckled but then gasped as the action caused pain to erupt in my abdomen. I clutched at the flesh surrounding the wound, too scared to pull the shard out. Suddenly, a pair of cold hands settled on my waist.

"What the hell are you doing Dorian?"

"Helping you," he replied in a 'duh' tone, "Gabrielle."

I managed a sarcastic glance before he replaced my hands with his own and I squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation for the inevitable pain ahead.

I felt myself focusing on the iciness of his pale hands. They were so cold, it felt as if ice was spreading around my torso, numbing it.

I risked a quick glance to see Dorian straddling my legs, triumphantly holding a large shard of blood stained glass in his hand. I watched, entranced, as he ran his tongue across the bloody edge before licking his lips.

"Hmmm, it's a shame I won't get to kill you. You just taste too damn good."

I screwed my nose up and looked at him distastefully.

"You're such a pig, ugh, talking about my blood like some kind of... risotto."

"Darling, whoever said I was talking about your blood?" he winked and I felt my stomach turn.

"I told you," I growled, "I have a name, use it."

He just grinned in response and I rolled my eyes as I pulled my jacket off, breaking out in goose bumps as the cool air made contact with my flushed skin.

"What on earth are you doing might I ask?"

"Yes you might, doesn't mean I'll answer though."

The corner of his mouth pulled up into a lopsided smile as he threw the glass over his shoulder.

"If you must know, I need to apply pressure to my wounds which you inflicted upon me."

"Technically, you inflicted those wounds upon yourself by shattering your car windshield... and pressure won't be necessary."

"What do you-" he grabbed my injured hand, brought it to his mouth, and ran his tongue along the cut, "Ew ew ew ew! Get off get off get off!" I squealed as I wrenched my hand from him. "You probably infected it or something, knowing all the disgusting blood that goes in your mouth. I probably have AIDs that you picked up from a druggy."

"Please," he scoffed, "I have much better taste than that."

I childishly stuck my tongue out at him before inspecting my hand. The flesh had rejoined and the bleeding had stopped, leaving a shiny pink scar running across my hand.

"How did you-"

"Healing saliva." he muttered, moving towards the gash on my stomach.

"Magic spit? Woah, Superman had better watch his back."

"I'm not even going to dignify that statement with any form of comment," he muttered, his breath brushing my bare stomach.

"You just did Einstein." I giggled before catching myself. Did I seriously just giggle? Ugh.

I felt his tongue run across the gash on my stomach, and felt an involuntary shiver run through me, followed by Dorian smirking against my rapidly healing skin.

"Enjoying yourself darling?"

I scowled, "I would be if you used my name."

His head whipped up, full of mischief and what I'd just said registered in my blurry, confused brain.

"I didn't mean-"

"You enjoyed that?"

"No! I just- I... what are you doing?"

As I spluttered and tried to think of an explanation, Dorian had crawled over me until his face hovered mere centimeters from mine. My mind swirled and my vision was unfocused.

"What- what are you do- doing..." I slurred, tongue suddenly feeling heavy.

"I'm going to kiss you."

My brow furrowed, "Is th- that it?"

"Until you faint." he breathed.

But before he could close the distance between us, the night caught up with me and blackness took over.

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