Chapter 8: Too Perfect

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 A/N I know I promised to upload Monday night, which was last night, but ithonestly wasn't my fault... This time.

Wattpad decided to not let me upload so I had to wait until tonight. I hope ou guys don't mind, which you won't, because you're awesome. 



  I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard someone open my door slowly and pad softly into my room. They stood there for a while and I concentrated on making my breathing sound deep and steady, it seemed to convince them because then their footsteps quietly retreated and I heard the soft click of the door shutting.

My eyelids snapped open and I pulled myself upright. After seeing Dorian just outside my house last night as my family and John were following me up the stairs, I’d stayed up all night.

I’d seen Dorian in the middle of the night in a dark forest.

I’d seen Dorian in my bathroom.

I’d seen Dorian in my parent’s part of the forest.

But never had I seen him at the same time as a human. And the difference was scary.

Steven was well built and strong; he went to the gym every weekend and ran every morning before school. Heck, he was the best at sports in his year and part of all of the school clubs. But he looked about as scary as a fluffy kitten compared to Dorian, who’s muscles were visible through his clothing, rippling like a predators, his eyes narrowed and unbelievably powerful, all of his features sharp and defined. At that moment last night, I had actually believed he was a vampire. And I had realised just how vulnerable my family and friends were when he was around.

I scowled, as long as I was around, he was around. But I couldn’t exactly just run away from home, as tempting as that might be. It would only make them worry unnecessarily, or necessarily depending on whether they knew who, or rather what, I would be with the whole time. No, I couldn’t run away. Even if I did, I would still be stuck with Dorian forever.


Just the word sent shivers down my spine. I had already been knocked about more in the past two days by him than I have ever been in my entire life fifty times over! It battered my brain, trying to figure a way out of this mess. But how could I? I’d made a deal hadn’t I? A deal with a vampire! It’s not exactly like I can just waltz away from it. There was no way to break it.

My jaw dropped and I felt my eyes widen.

What if there is a way to break the deal? There has to be someone out there who knows how to break a deal with a vampire! But where would I begin? Surely no humans would know, unless there are humans out there which now know about vampires,

 I grimaced,

Which they do.

My mind spun around all of the possibilities, each one more radical and virtually impossible than the last, my frustration building as I found a complication with each one.

“The parties!” I gasped, just as my door crept open again and my mam’s head popped around the corner, her curly blonde hair piled on top of her head in a bun, a few tendrils falling in her face.

“Oh thank God you’re awake Gabby, we were beginning to get worried!” she laughed carelessly and opened the door fully, her white plimsolls lightly tapping the floor as she approached my bed. The mattress dipped as she sat down and stroked my hair off of my sweaty forehead. “How are you feeling this morning sweetheart?”

“Fine.” I said, my voice deadpan. I registered the confused look on my mam’s face and internally sighed before smiling as convincingly as I could, “Really mam, just thinking about something.”

She mirrored my grin and patted my leg through the covers. “That’s great, if you get dressed real quick you might be able to catch the boys before they leave for work. They were really worried about you.”

I nodded along as she spoke then frowned, “Work? Who’s taking them?”

“Sweetheart, you’re not the only one who can drive out of those lot you know, you just the only one who can drive well.” She laughed again and I felt a sudden wave of envy.

What the heck was that about? Why am I so jealous of her?

She then jumped up and hurried toward the door saying, “I’d better hurry or else the bacon might burn, and don’t take too long Gabby!”

Oh, that’s why. She doesn’t have a care in the world, except for burning the bacon of course.

I sighed again, I seemed to be doing that a lot lately, and dragged myself out of bed to the full length mirror on my wall. Of course, my eyes are bloodshot and have purple circles around them and my hair is all over the place. I guess that’s what happens when you spend more time getting knocked about than counting sheep. I shrugged, pulled on a long, grey cardigan and writhed all of my thick black hair into a messy ponytail.


“Gabby!” I heard as I reached the foot of the staircase, then there were two massive figures barrelling into me.

“Oh God Gabby I’m so sorry!”

“Hey babe, are you feeling alright now?”

I glared at nothing in particular as I squirmed out from the muscular arms that were slowly suffocating me.

“First things first,” I said, looking meaningfully at Steven,

“Stop saying sorry. If I was hurt, I wouldn’t be downstairs and if I held you responsible, I would be kicking you where it hurts most.”

I pivoted to look at John, “Secondly, if you ever call me by ‘babe’ again, then I will kick you where it hurts most.”

They both grinned, “Glad to see you’re still your normal self,” Steven said, voice laced with sarcasm.

“Yeah yeah whatever, now get back to work before you get fired.”

They both grinned again and Steven walked out of the door in three easy strides whereas John wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my head. “I really am glad you’re better Gabby.”

Ha! Better?

I pushed him away slightly, “Whatever you freak, now get back to work.”

He smirked and mock saluted, “Aye aye cap’n!” then he darted forward to kiss me on the cheek before loping out of the house, ducking to avoid hitting his head, covered in cropped brown hair, on the doorframe.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes vigorously, today was going to be a long day.


I flopped onto the black leather couch in the living room, staring absently out of the window at the sunny sky and gleaming snow, but my mind was in a much darker place.

Dealing with awkward situations and people I don't want to deal with...

Someone to be seen with at parties...

Big events...

I nearly laughed I was so giddy. All I needed to break this deal was to find some sort of vampire who knew how to break it.

And I was going to be mingling with an awful lot of those in the near future.

It was almost too perfect.

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