Chapter 6: Enjoy you peace and quiet while you can

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Recap: .

"Deja vu or what?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, I thought dryly as I whipped around to see Dorian leaning against the broad trunk of a tree. I noticed that he was wearing dress pants and a shirt, which was hanging out of his trousers.

"Don't look so angry darling, it doesn't suit you."

: .

His jibe didn't hurt me like it usually would, the majority of my anger was at the fact that my quiet place, my sanctuary had been invaded by him.

"Get. Out." I hissed through clenched teeth. After being alive for a few hundred years or so, there mustn't have been much that surprised Dorian, but I was an exception apparently.

"Excuse me?" he asked, quickly covering up his shock, even though it was still plain in his eyes.

"I said, get out. You have no right to be here."

He scoffed, "It's a free world, and it's not like you own the forest."

I smiled smugly and stood up slowly, "Actually, that's where you're wrong."

I had to give it to him, he was good at hiding his emotions, only a glimmer of something danced across his face but overall, his features remained exactly the same as earlier.

"My parents do own part of this forest, only a small part, but part nonetheless. And you are trespassing."

He frowned, evidently not expecting that, "But you told me your parents were dead."

I flinched at his blunt attitude, "Wow, no beating around the bush with you is there?" he shrugged, "Okay, they owned part of this forest, but when they- died, it was left to me. So I suggest you leave."

This time the emotion on his face was clear. Amusement.

"And what are you going to do exactly? Call the police?"

I faltered a moment and he noticed, a small smirk slowly spreading over his face. I shook myself and gave him the stoniest glare I could muster, "Considering you've been a gentleman for so long, I assumed that you would respect others and their property." I emphasised 'gentleman' in an attempt to anger him like it did last night. Was it really just last night? But instead, he smirked again and it was became harder and harder to resist slapping it off of his face myself.

"Don't you get it darling? I own you, therefore whatever you own, I also own."

I ignored the darling comment and gaped at him.

"No... You can't own me,"

He rolled his eyes, "What do you think we were doing this morning?"

"It- it's not official. Don't I have to sign paperwork or something?"

He threw his head back and laughed, making me shiver as it stirred a memory inside me,

"And you're going to fight me with that- breadstick of yours?"

I smiled wryly, "I think it would hurt if I drove this through your heart."

He threw his head back and laughed, the rays of moonlight sneaking through the branches, reflecting off of his pearly white teeth.

"Do you think people really sign paperwork before they make someone their slave?"

I shrugged slightly, "I didn't really think anyone made anyone their slave anymore," I paused and felt my eyebrows draw together in thought, "But then again, I also didn't think that there was such thing as vampires."

When I eventually looked back up, he was watching me with something like curiosity on his face, but when he noticed I was looking he quickly hid it, but the frown still remained.

"We don't do paperwork, but there is something we do, but I very much doubt that you would want to do it."

"What is it?"

"We would ma-"

I waited for him to continue but instead he just lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile,

"You know what? I don't need to make it official, because I know that you will do whatever I say. Goodbye darling, enjoy your peace and quiet while you can."

I leaped forward in anger to wrap my hands around his neck, but he was gone and I face planted instead.

How dare he? Argh! He was so annoying!

The conversation had riled me up so much that I couldn't relax anymore, not even in this part of the forest, so instead I navigated my way back through the undergrowth and drove home.


"Hey sis!" Steven grinned and I frowned at his sudden good mood,

"Hey babe," John smiled, and kissed me on the cheek,

"How many times John? I have a name, use it."

He shrugged, "Sorry Gabs, I forgot."

I started to drive away from the shop when Steven shouted "Stop!"

I slammed on the brakes, "What? What is it? Oh my god! Was it a dog?" I lifted myself up slightly to see the road ahead of me, but Steven wasn't looking in front of the car, but rather, behind it. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and I saw a girl standing in the snow. She had thick black hair that covered her face and a small figure, her skin was as pale as the snow she was standing in and she was wrapped up in a My Chemical Romance hoodie, I instantly liked her.

"Who's that?"

John grinned and sang, "Richelle Fenwick,"

"What!?" I spun round to face Steven, who was blushing an impossible shade of red, "That's the Richelle that you jump out of the car to see every morning?"

"Not every morning," he mumbled, "Just when I have work."

"But, she doesn't look your type."

He turned to me with unexpected anger on his face, "Oh yeah? And you would know what my type is? What happened to not believing in labels Gabs? What happened to not separating people into different types and styles?"

I held my hands up in a gesture of surrender, "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean it like that, it's just that-"

"That?" he prodded, and I quickly grew uncomfortable,

"Well, I always assumed that you liked blonde, bubbly, tall-"


I frowned, "Not all blondes are sluts you know. My best friend is blonde."

He rolled his eyes and turned back to look at Richelle who was now looking at her watch anxiously,

"Hey Gabs? I'm gonna go ask her if she wants a lift,"

He had his hand on the door when another car pulled up, it was old and rusty and looked ready to fall apart, but Richelle visibly cheered up at the sight of it. We watched, as a tall boy with long hair dyed purple at the front climbed out and walked toward Richelle. She punched him lightly on the arm and he grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulders before leading her toward the car.

John and I exchanged a glance after Richelle and mystery boy had left and then turned in unison to look at Steven.

I felt my heart plummet, the look on Steven's face made me want to kill Richelle and mystery asshole, he looked so depressed, and she'd only been working there for two months, when she started in September.

"Maybe... maybe it's her brother, or cousin or something," he looked up at the both of us, a pleading look in his eyes, "Right? It's possible isn't it?"

In my head I thought "Possible, but unlikely," but out loud I put on a big smile and said "Of course Stevie."

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